Phase 3 of the MCU

Oct 29, 2014 16:20

In Order, the MCU films coming up until May 2019 and my reactions to them:

Avengers: the Age of Ultron.

The more I see and hear of this, the better it seems to get. Partly this is because I adore the Scarlet Witch and am fond of the Vision. (Quicksilver not so much, but I suspect he is going to be used as a way into The Inhumans - see below.) ( Read more... )

films, marvel, movies, mcu

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Comments 4

fatpie42 October 29 2014, 19:13:07 UTC
What's wrong with Cumberbatch? Heck, I have to say I'm only really interested in Dr. Strange because he might be involved. I normally look first at directors and Scott Derrickson's previous films include "Sinister" and "The Exorcism of Emily Rose", neither of which appealed to me at all. I was a little wary when Johnny Depp was suggested (because his 'quirkiness' can be painful sometimes), but it has to be said they are going to need to get a good name for the main role, because I don't trust the director to direct traffic.

My reaction to half the stuff here is "what? who?"
Inhumans? What?
Captain Marvel? Who?
Black Panther? Um...

Heck, I only cared about Ant-Man because Edgar Wright was involved. Now he's walked away they really ought to have shelved it until they knew what they were doing.


lil_shepherd October 29 2014, 19:26:11 UTC
I dislike Cumberbatch personally and as an actor - he is dreadful as Sherlock and was hopeless as Khan. I was - and still am - hoping for Joachin Phoenix who was in negotiation with Marvel.

Everything I heard about Wright's script (which was intended as a comedy) suggested it was going to be a flop. Marvel intervened at the last minute, almost certainly because the script didn't fit with the MCU. Personally, I think they ought to have scrapped it.

The Inhumans are going to be a stretch, but so were the Guardians of the Galaxy. Going up against Thanos at the end of Phase 3 they will need heroes with cosmic level powers - hence Captain Marvel, the Scarlet Witch, and some of the Inhumans. (Also, as it happens, being unable to use mutants - even as a designation - Marvel are working around to using the origins of the Inhumans as a substitute in the MCU (and, indeed, they are taking a much greater role in the comics.)

As for Captain Marvel - well, you're out of touch.


fatpie42 October 29 2014, 22:15:33 UTC
Naturally I'm out of touch! I've never heard of Captain Marvel! To be frank, I'd never really thought of Captain America as a major hero either. Thor randomly turned up for two seconds in a Spider-Man comic I read as a teenager and I had an old Hulk graphic novel. I discovered Nick Fury when looking through Garth Ennis' work. But Iron Man, Black Widow and Captain America are all new to me from the movies ( ... )


andrewducker October 29 2014, 19:25:04 UTC
What I find interesting is that Captain Marvel and Inhumans are between Infinity War Pt 1 and Pt 2.

I wonder if they'll be adding extra detail to it, or how else they're going to juggle that.


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