Phase 3 of the MCU

Oct 29, 2014 16:20

In Order, the MCU films coming up until May 2019 and my reactions to them:

Avengers: the Age of Ultron.

The more I see and hear of this, the better it seems to get. Partly this is because I adore the Scarlet Witch and am fond of the Vision. (Quicksilver not so much, but I suspect he is going to be used as a way into The Inhumans - see below.) Bring it on.


The opposite. Ant-Man was how I got into Marvel back in the early 60s, and I still have some affection for Hank Pym, and adore Jan Van Dyne. As this pair have been relegated to 'aging scientist' and 'fridged to motivate said aging scientist' I am officially displeased. A fine way to treat the two missing founding Avengers.

We are left with the uncharismatic Scott Lang, who I have never liked much. The thing was originally designed as a comedy, which is one of the reasons 'Green Lantern' went so, so wrong, and was in development hell for a length of time that suggested problems. Marvel apparently took a look at the last script and demanded changes. The director walked, just before filming began because he couldn't have his own way. Nothing about this appeals.

Captain America 3: Civil War

A little reassured by the fact that Chris Evans is on board for the third and fourth Avengers movies, and by comments from the scriptwriters/directors that it will not be much like the comic arc, but will be about 'who controls superheroes'. I have a theory that what is happening with Ant-Man is behind this change. Because of all the problems with Ant-Man (and it's not just me who has problems with it) they probably suspect the impending flop and are throwing everything (characters, actors, title recognition) into it to pick up if things go as wrong as they might. Also seems to be pandering to RDJ's not inconsiderable ego.

Doctor Strange

Chuffed if it does not feature the Cumberbatch. If it does, no.

Guardians of the Galaxy 2


Thor 3: Ragnarok

Can we please kill Loki? Thank you.

Black Panther

Cautiously optimistic, but, given Wakandan society in the early comics, it would be so, so easy to make an embarrassing (and potentially racist) error. I really, really hope they get it right, because I'm fond of T'Challa (though currently a member of that group of dicks, the Illuminati.)

Captain Marvel

I am so excited about this.


I am intrigued by how they are going to handle this. Medusa? Black Bolt? Lockjaw?!!! Well, if they can handle Groot and Rocket Raccoon...

Avengers: Infinity War Part One
Avengers: Infinity War Part Two

Too long to wait. I may be dead by then!

films, marvel, movies, mcu

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