I'm Chicken Little

Mar 04, 2013 06:42

Saw Skyfall last night. Ina adores this movie and it has been hugely well reviewed, particularly in this country, so I started watching half in anticipation, half in scepticism, because I JUST DO NOT LIKE JAMES BOND. No, not even Sean Connery. In fact, particularly not Sean Connery, who is an actor who just plays himself. All the fucking time ( Read more... )

movies, film, dvd, review

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Comments 15

coth March 4 2013, 08:50:52 UTC
We watched Skyfall too, on telly weekend before last. My first Bond film for years. Like you I thought it was really pretty, had some good jokes, and the plot stank. We spent the next hour or so tearing it apart: my 'favourite' howler of many being the empty tube train (at rush hour!), which threw us out of the film entirely in that section.

But at least I have shared a modern experience with half the nation, something that doesn't happen all that often...


lil_shepherd March 4 2013, 09:43:02 UTC
I love a good thriller and don't mind plot holes so long as I don't spot them until the movie is over!


bookzombie March 4 2013, 09:05:50 UTC
On the 'shaken not stirred', there's a lovely quote from an episode of The West Wing:

Bartlet: Shaken, not stirred, will get you cold water with a dash of gin and dry vermouth. The reason you stir it with a special spoon is so not to chip the ice. James is ordering a weak martini and being snooty about it


lil_shepherd March 4 2013, 09:34:01 UTC
I am never quite sure whether Fleming put this in accidentally - because he really didn't know about cocktails - or whether it was there deliberately to show us Bond wasn't half as sophisticated as he pretended.


philmophlegm March 4 2013, 09:31:14 UTC
In a world with Julian Assange in it, a blond-haired, European, computer-genius sex-pest of a villain seems entirely realistic...


lil_shepherd March 4 2013, 09:40:01 UTC

Good try, but there isn't actually much resemblance. Assange was born in Australia, and is, according to Wikipedia, sixth generation, so he ain't European.

I'm not sure that he is either a genius or a sex-pest, though I suspect the latter is more likely. He isn't particularly good at escaping, either, now being confined to embassy premises.

More likely to keep a cat than a Komodo dragon... and his hair isn't quite that bad.


philmophlegm March 4 2013, 12:18:23 UTC
I must admit I thought he was Dutch. I wonder if I'd mentally combined him with Geert Wilders.


lil_shepherd March 4 2013, 12:20:07 UTC
Now that is a horrifying thought!


lukadreaming March 4 2013, 10:00:23 UTC
I have yet to see a James Bond film all the way through - although I have read most of the books.


dickgloucester March 4 2013, 10:04:43 UTC
We call it the Palace of Ming the Merciless.


lil_shepherd March 4 2013, 10:46:32 UTC
That'll do too! (It got named Klingon High Command before we actually knew what it was.)


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