The weather is so delightful.

Mar 08, 2011 15:03

I can't help feeling that it's the sudden change in the weather that has brought back my ability to write. Currently I am averaging about 500 words a day (and will get back on hiheel_bookcamp now) but this includes a good bit of deleting. Still, the fact that I know how I am going to re-write the last half a dozen chapters makes me happy. Yet I've had month-long stretches this winter when I simply could not put pen to paper - sketch drafting - and the thing lingered in limbo.

Only problem being that April is full of THINGS TO DO - a lot of which involves driving Ina (whose frozen shoulder shows no sign of getting better) to various events to which I do not wish to travel. There's Eastercon, but visits by friends, so when the heck am I going to get the time which I need to write, particularly as things need doing around the house.

Not to mention that we have Shoebox Zoo and Tales of the Gold Monkey to watch. I'd forgotten just how good Tales of the Gold Monkey is. While I hadn't forgotten that it came off the back of Raiders of the Lost Ark and that every character is a stereotype, what I hadn't remembered is that someone was very clever with the character of Jake Cutter -- and/or had been watching Raiders with a critical eye. One of the things that makes Indiana Jones stand out as a character is his vulnerability, his intelligence, and that he follows the motto of the Sinclair family (according to Lord Brett Sinclair, anyway, that "sneaky is best.") All three have been transferred to the character of Jake, but particularly the vulnerability. (Also, in the pilot, the moment when Jake hits the character he is fighting with a piece of aircraft engine is very reminiscent of Indy pulling his gun and shooting the guy with the swords. Well, in the way that expedience takes precedence over a 'sense of fair play.') At the time, the ape/monkey people guarding the statue must have seemed ridiculous, but with the advent of Homo floresiensis we need to be a little more cautious with the "ludicrous."

Also, that dog is superbly trained.

Which is more than can be said for Draco, though he is now much better with the cats, particularly with the Singapuras. We can let him run around the house with them most of the time, and he and Flash are great friends. We measured him this morning, and he is nearly 14 inches at the shoulder, which is two inches more than show standard. Not that this matters, but he is not as little as most ETTs, and is one of the reasons (despite the ears) that so many people think he is a Manchester Terrier.

writing, dogs, tv, cats, draco, flash, dvd

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