I guss we all change a bit

Nov 02, 2010 22:23

Hehe.  Have not been using my journal for something like two years. Not that I've not been LJ active, just haven't used the journal bit. There's just no time.
Had to go change my date of birth, the year wasn't visible, and hence was shocked to see what my listed interest were, and especially my "about me".
To firstly be clear, nothing strange about my interests, just not what I'd put now. Like, Ocar Wilde and Enya. Enya?? Huh. Now that I think about it I did once have an Enya phase. Guess I wrote it during that time. And I love Oscar Wilde's stuff, but it doesn't really belong on my LJ interest list along with Spander and d/s.

Now for the great part. I'm gonna delete this, because it's not a description of me anymore, but I just had to save it! That was actually one of the main reasons for my infrequent journal entries back in the day. I just wanted to keep a part of that me, because I knew I'd change and forget what I felt like just then. That's just life I suppose.

So here it is, my "about me", dated, I'd guess, about 2007ish:

Well, hello there! I'm Little Miss Maddie. I actually got this account because I read so much fanfic, and most people seem to have one. I thought it would be a good mean for communication with the online world. We'll see how this turns out.

I'm still in school, and I'm planning to continue on and stydy Events Management. Organising stuff is right up my lane.
I love theatre, and I'm trying out different things I like working with. Both on stage and off. I love reading in general, and right now I'm reading a lot of plays. At the moment my favourite playwriter is Oscar Wilde. "The Importance of Being Earnest" is one of the most brilliant things I've ever read.
When it comes to fanfiction, I consider myself to be rather experienced. I've been reading for a little over three years. At times I have strayed, but Buffy is my undisputable main fandom. I have tried a LOT of parings, however I read mostly slash, and I mostly read Spander. Spangel is my second favourite, and I also have a love for Angel/Cordelia (pretty much the only het I like). Giles is one of my absolute favourite characters, and I can read him paired up with most. Mainly Eathan and Xander, though.
I probably prefer AtS to BtVS, but I try not to compare. They are very differnt in my oppinion. I really like the Angel in AtS a lot more than the Angel in Buffy (no pun intended).

So, who am I then? Besides what I like doing or reading. My boyfriend, before we got together, once called me pragmatic. And I think that says quite a lot. I've been through a lot of shit, and I had to grow up way too fast, but I wouldn't change anything, because all that shaped me into who I am, and I'm very fond of me.
What I like about all three of Joss Whedon's series is that it's a lot about made families. I really believe that you make your own family, and that blood isn't the most important thing. My best friends mean the world to me, where as I couldn't care less of what most of my so called kin do. I'm very protective of people close to me. And rather possessive. That is why I love having either Spike or Angel in what I read. Vampires make the most wonderful and sexy possessive lovers. Yummy!

Hmm, I think I'm pretty much done here.
Huggs and Kisses


Fandom wise, not that much has changed. I've just read more, and I'm so picky these days. I will happily stop reading a fic two chapters in because the characters didn't match, or because the author has zero grammar skills. There only so many times I can cope with a "then" when it should be a "than".

So I'm off to write a new "about me". And in a few years I can delete it for a new version, but keep the old one as a bit of the me of 2010.


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