Jan 26, 2004 10:40
school has been called off for today..and well, i'm up, and have been since 9. don't know why, but as everyone else in the suite sleeps, my "internet-addicted" ass is online.
the first week wasn't too bad. i think i like my classes, they seem better than last semester.
well, it was chinese new year..and i told suite 450 that we had to go celebrate..and that we did. friday and saturday. (that's a lot for us b/c normally we would have been plopped down in front of the tv watching real world or some movie we've seen about a million times.) i had a good time. it was....interesting. 'nough said.
ran into travis bradley at the burger king this weekend. it was about 2am...and i was definitely NOT in the right state of mind. ha. i haven't talked to him in for heck and ever. it was a surprise. a good one, i might say even say.
hahah, ask everyone...the only thing i've been talking about is how much i have to read...and well, i think i've read a total of 10 pages all weekend, and if you ask me what i read about, i'd probably, most likely draw a big blank.
i don't get people...what's the point in being a complete dick about something that has already happened? don't act like you didn't want it to happen and that you took no part. if you weren't trying to act that way..i'm sorry, i'm pretty certain i was getting prick vibes. i don't want to dwell too much on it, but it bothers me. and it absolutely pisses me the hell off..not only that, i lost reading time b/c i couldn't think of anything else. not worth the time. grow the fuck up, please. okay, i'm done.
i hope everyone has a frabjuous monday. =)