Making a Difference [:

Oct 12, 2009 21:04

Lol...Should really be studying for my 3 midterms this week, but just needed a break...head is too crammed with info. @.@ Totally aced my 2 midterms last week!! :D Now to do just as well this week.

I really want to join the sustainability club at OCC. Too bad my schedule doesn't work out with it. ): So instead, I've decided to just do some things myself to help the environment. It's the little things that we can easily change that make a big difference. If everyone was just willing to make little changes like these, look how much better our earth would be? So I challenge you all just to make a few changes in your life.

Simple things we can do to help the environment:

1. Take 5-15 minute showers instead of long 30 minutes showers.
2. Scratch paper...use the back of papers that you haven't written or printed on for notes. 
        -Just think of how much paper you would save. I bet all of us have papers we just throw away without even thinking of using the back.              I've been doing this since high school. Saves money as well.
3. use compact fluorescent lightbulb or CFCs lightbulbs     
        -CFLs cost three to five times as much as conventional incandescent bulbs yet use one-quarter the electricity and last several years             longer.
4. Hang up clothes to dry instead of using the dryer.
        -Plus, your clothes won't shrink this way and color won't fade!! :D
5. Bike/walk to places that aren't so far away.
        -I'm still looking for a good bike that's custom fit for me right now and convincing my aunt that it's okay for me to bike to school, but think         about how much gas we would save by doing this. Plus you would be getting exercise as well. [:
6. Carpool/Ride the Bus
7. Pay your bills online.
        -Help conserve and save paper. It's a lot faster this way anyways.
8. Say no to plastic bags. Why not use a cloth bag when going grocery shopping? It's reusable! [:
        -Every year, more than 500 billion plastic bags are distributed, and less than 3% of those bags are recycled. They are typically made of         polyethylene and can take up to 1,000 years to biodegrade in landfills that emit harmful greenhouse gases.
9. Buy and use recycled paper
10. Turn the lights off when you're out of the room. Ditto with the TV.
11. Don't buy "disposable" anything. Paper plates and towels, Styrofoam cups, etc. are extravagant wastes of the world's resources.
        -Use cloth towels to wipe things down or as napkins. All it takes is to wash the cloth and you can reuse it again.
12. If you must buy disposables:buy paper products rather than plastics, rather than Styrofoam. The manufacture of Styrofoam depletes the ozone layer.
13. Buy locally grown food and locally made products when possible.
        -Go to the Farmer's Market. They have great fresh fruits and vegetables for really good, cheap prices too!  [:
14. Use power strips and unplug electronics

- Many chargers draw a small trickle the entire time they are plugged in, even if they are not charging your electronics. In fact, home electronics account for 15 percent of household electricity use. So turn power strips off when not in use and unplug electronics when not in use. [:

15. Stop buying/using bottled water, instead use aluminum/stainless steel reusable water bottles

16. Wash your clothes using cold/warm water instead of hot water.

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