Title:"She Still Loves Him Today"
Author: Lil Jei
Fandom: NCIS
Pairing: Tony/Abby
Rating: PG
Word Ct: 600+
Summary/A/N/Warning: It's a continuation kind of one shot fic of “Don't think I don't think about it…” which had Tony as the main voice. This one is all about Abby. It's a future fic/AU. Set 10 years after her wedding to Tim and 15 years since Tony had wised up and left. Blame my current fascination with George Jones and his heartwrenching song "He Stopped Loving Her Today." My muse went crazy with this idea, had it not happened I don' think I'd have ever added more to this fic. Oh the show and characters are so not mine and if you don't like Het don't read...
The Original Fic...Part One you could say...
lil-jei.livejournal.com/4675.html Leaning back, Abby had to smile a bit. She finally found out where he was living. After years of searching every once and awhile he had slipped up. And now she had her fly or maybe spider. She didn’t know at this point. But a determination had settled throughout her bones, she knew she needed to do this. She hadn't seen him in 1o years. Not since, she caught a glimpse of him at her wedding. But as usual he'd come and gone and just left her with a weakened heart. It was little less than she deserved. She had been the one to break him apart first and lastly.
It had been her indecision that had broke them up originally. And it had been his stubborn need to leave and be free that had been the death of everything she had dreamed afterwards. She loved Tim there was no doubt in that but she couldn't help but dream about a different fairytale ending. In her current ending, she'd traded a tarnished but loving knight for one that was squeaky clean and always polished. If she was honest with herself for a few minutes in her day she'd say that she hated her life, her husband, hell just about everything really. Even Gibbs and Ducky got to her these days. Always wanting more than she could ever hope to give. Of course, her responsibility to her kids might have something to with that too.
But he had understood that about her and she'd thrown it all away. She missed the acceptance and comfort she had taken for granted. Here she was almost 15 years after he had left and she still hoped to see him and that flashy car pull up to her on the side of the road one day and just take her away. Her life would be completely different had she said yes when he had asked her. He had wanted to love, to marry, to live a little. But it was when he'd spoken honestly about his need to leave that she had balked. She'd left with little more than his broken heart in his hand. His solemn eyes still haunted her. It was after their breakup that their love and friendship had lingered but hadn't lasted. It was after his last test of endurance that he'd finally given into his own needs and left. To be free she knew he had to leave but still to this day even in her current circumstances, it hurt.
So this was where she found herself and found him. She was going to go she just knew it. It would hurt Tim and the others if she didn't tell them. But it would hurt Tony more if she told them. It would be their little secret. Just like everything else was, she thinks. No one but Kate and Jenny had ever seen the truth between the two lovers. She'd fought him every step of the way when they had been together. She had never wanted anyone to know about them being lovers. That thought flustered her alot. She still couldn't admit or discover the whys of that decision. Sometimes she thought she just wasn't deep enough or strong enough to look beneath the surface of who she really was. All she knew now was that she wanted to leave this life, this corner she was backed into. She just didn't know how. Even though she was in her study, she looked around for him. Hoping against all odds that he had found her too. And just as he always had he’d have come for her.