Jan 27, 2006 12:42
thank you Mr. Blunt and the rest of the govt for fucking a semi honest, decent, single mom in the ass yet again. so okay, i'm a single mom, i work the state for help (food stamps, medicaid, child care asst) that's it. i fucking try my damndest to find full time work and come up bust. i find a part time job that pays almost as well as full time minus the benefits... i get child support. yeah. so according to the govt a family of 2's income can't exceed over $1,229.00 a month.. WTF? that's SHIT! needless to say with my income and Shawn's childsupport since i don't pay Kyan's health insurance my gross income is $1,518.00 which is still shit. i make to much. i can deal without the foodstamps, the medicaid, but i NEED help with child care. to have Kyan watched in the evenings it's $171. and some change... for 2 weeks (since Shawn is to pay the other half) it comes up to $342 and some change... for 2 weeks and that's cheap. i dunno, i'm a fucking nervous wreck. because of their lack of information update they sent out the lil letter and i have/had until TODAY to request a hearing. after talking to my case worker's supervisor she said i can request a hearing because i won't win. i make to much money. and to write Mr. Blunt and get all the important people i know to write him about this income shit. OH if by important you mean the dregs of St. Louis that're busting their ass and getting the same treatment i am and are bitter and jaded than sure, i know all the people in St. Louis that're 'important'. it's just not fair. i can't qualify for low income housing (because i make to much) so Kyan and I share a bedroom in a 2 bdrm apt with a very generous person.
how does the govt expect someone to make it on this income with a non school aged child? and then since people like me can't afford the child care it puts child care people out of business, which creates more poor people, which creates more poeple dependent on the state. where's the damned logic?! how can someone pay rent, bills, utilities, car insurance, food costs, clothing costs, gas prices, etc on this income AND pay $171+ a WEEK in child care? this my friends is why people don't work. why people make living off the govt a career. it's just not worth it to try. that's not to say i plan on quitting my job today and doing this. what's the point in child care if i don't have a job? i'm sorry not every family out there has christian ideals and has mom AND dad in the picture, etc etc.. but wtf? i dunno, i'll work it out, i always do, but man does this suck. i don't even know why i'm going to bother to request a hearing... they'll give me benefits while the case is pending, but they'll see i make to much, still reject me, and then i'll have to pay all the shit back. i can't afford that either. maaaaaaaaaaan. time for mama to hustle. this sucks. does anyone know of any hourly day cares? or maybe someone who's available for about 1-2 hours 3-4 hours a week? =\ suck suck suck a fuck.