~The little things, little things, make me who I am today~

Jul 19, 2004 21:52

So, this is going to be a long entrie but I guarantee you that if you read it that it'll be worth it cuz its a GOOD UPDATE!!! yep sure is, lots of interesting things happened, so if you have nothing better to do please read it all thanks! So here's the update:

Yep my lyrics in my subject are old, but oh well it's a good song and you all know it...don't deny it! anyways so um wow a lot's really kinda happened since I last updated, so I'll start with saturday and work up til today sound good? good...

SATURDAY i woke up around 11 so I could call Savannah and see what was going on cuz her friend Shannon who I found out was from Hazard instead of va beach wow i was way off huh? Lol yep sure was....anyways so I wake up early and i called and it was busy so I decided to go to sleep again Lol cuz i'm a lazy bastard okay so maybe i'm not a bastard but i'm sure as hell lazy as fuck...so umm anyways so i finally get ahold of her round 11:30 and i'm like i'm comin up and she says alright so I get up and get in the shower ya know get ready all that nice shit that goes on in the mornings...yep so after that i ran up there and Spencer had slept over that night and us 3 kinda just hung out until spencer's dad calls and is like you need to get home so then that kinda stopped us from chillin...um but he did stay there til shannon got there cuz well he has a car and what's the point in walkin if you can get driven somewhere?lol again with the laziness....so um yeah then Shannon showed up and we sat around for another few minutes ya know just to chill and as it turns out Shannon is a purty cool person...at first I didn't liek him, but after a while i decided yep he's kinda cool!=) so anyways after we dropped Spencer off at his house we all went to the big pound park and chilled for oh a good hour or maybe even 2...we were in a bday party though...ever single time I try to go to the park with my friends we interupt someones bday party!! So, yeah after we chilled there and I got to know Shannon a lil better we all decided wee let's go up to the dam and swim...so we went back to the apartment and i borrowed one of Savannah's bikini's (sorry travis no more skinny dippin LOL) anyways yeah so me and Haley rode in the back of Shannon's truck in the bed ya know? yeah but where its illegal we had to lay down but it was fun i thought...it hurt haley's back somewhat but it didnt mine and i had fun! then when we got there I jumped off of this huge stump that was on a hill into the water I was scared to death to try it at frist but reluctantly of course did it b/c everyone told me that it was fun...well actually just savannah told me but hey that's enough for me to try it....dunno why i said everyone?lol anyways we got Haley to try it too, but I don't think she liked it cuz she hit wrong and it hurt her...and shannon wouldn't do it at all but me and haley and savannah did and i must admit i thought it was fun then we went back to this other place and just swam for a while and then it started lightening and so we stopped...good idea to stop huh?yeah we thought so too...so then we ran back to the truck and me and Haley got in the back of course...then we got back to the apartment but couldn't get in cuz Ginger (savannah's mom) was vaccuuming and made us sit out in the hallway for a while then when we finally got in everone took a shower then we watched School of Rock which is a really good movie for everyone who hasn't seen it! then after it went off me and Haley formed our own rock band!LOL I'm axel and she's elvis!! our band is called the hamber girls! lol creative huh? yep we thought so too! yep but we made our own instruments haley played drums so she used shoe boxes and I played guitar so I made mine out of a shoe box with a hole cut into it and a paper towel roll with shoe strings tied across the hole and up to the roll and drew stuff on it and everthing yep it was cool lol it was my ghetto guitar which i accidentally said to a black guy on tha phone i was like i made a ghetto guitar Lol yep i sorta kinda stuck my foot in my mouth but that's okay i suppose cuz i do that a lot kinda felt bad bout it though! yep anyways me and haley performed about 7 or 8 times or more and Ginger was our vocalist yep she sang she sings real good too by the way...anyways so then me and haley decided to go out walking and WHEW this is where shit started to hit the fan yep ANDREW WILLIAMS stopped his car 6 times and yelled at me and Haley here's what our conversation consisted of: HIM: what are you 2 gothic bitches doin? ME: *sticks tongue out and flips off* HIM: *drives away* ME: *flips off again* lol then we keep walkin thinkin that all was over and done with but we get to about food land (we were walkin to spencer's) HIM: why'd you flip me off whore? ME: cuz your a bastard! HIM: *drives off again*  ME & Haley: *walked up to spencers road* he drives up again!!!! this means he had to turn around completely to come this way! HIM: what'd you call me bitch? ME: you heard me I called you a bastard, you know what drew your talkin a lot of shit why don't you get out of your car and back some of this shit up? *Brilliant tapestry of phrases came out of my mouth at this time but i dont remember them all cuz sorta black out sometimes when shit like that starts happenin but haley said it was great* *feels proud cuz thought of good tapestry*!Lol HIM: *tells driver* stop the damn car stop the damn car~! ME (to haley): you know if he really wanted to get out and fight me why didn't he when he was pulled up beside us goin real slow? he coulda got out of the car it had 4 doors! Haley: true! then he came up to us again HIM: fuck you~! ME: fuck you drew and quit stalkin us you freak!!! we finally get to spencer's without gettin harassed again but when we left he came up behind us again HIM: can i wear your hat? HALEY: NO! no you're not allowed!! lol go haley! thoughtt hat was funny myself........once more he decides to pull up to us again ** YOU KNOW YOU HAVE NO LIFE WHEN YOU JUST STALK TO GIRLS 6 TIME IN ONE NIGHT!!!** lol anyways...HIM: *mumbles indisticntively* ME: *flips off*......SO INTERESTIN HUH? yep anyways me and Haley finally make it back to the apartment! and I am pissed SO pissed!!! so i come in and of course tell savannah and shannon what was said and done but yeah that's when i found out drew said sumfin to savannah too! i dont remember what it was but what a loser huh? no life people! i mean i know pound's borin but geez....anyways so then me and savannah get decked out in a lot of black and Shannon leaves so we all say our goodbyes to him *party on wayne=)* but yeah...then we all went walkin to the sunrise and went back without runnin into drew....savannah wants to really umm "talk" to him yep maybe that's all that will happen...if drew's lucky! yep so anyways that was it for the night we basically sat on the edge and oh yeah we saw deter and a friend of his and savannah told him to relay a message to drew...it was interesting lol to say the least....but yeah we sat outside for bout an hour then went inside watched some tv and ate some food then all went to sleep! finally taht day's over!lol but it was a good day...onto sunday!

SUNDAY was Spencer's bday party.... but at first I woke up round 11 cuz my mom had to call and disturb my sleep...yep she sure did but that was when i foudn out i'm gunna stay another night =) *i love stayin there* anyways so I got up and we all got ready and head out to spencer's...when we got there I burned some cd's because i'm going to take them on vacation *6more days!!!* so I burned Twiztid's freek show *nope didnt misspell any of those words i aint stupid that's how they're spelled =)* i'm not as stupid as ya guys think!..sometimes...lol anyways so um when we got done with that it was time for the water fight! omg that was sooo much fun I got spencer good i had to chase him down his road, but i got him with a water balloon good! i knew i could out run him so I was liek not gunna throw it and bust it cuz i have no aim so i just chased him!!! then i got him again and again!Lol and i kept shootin him with the water gun i got too!lol and I of course shot donnie and other people i didn't really know!Lol then haley got put in a big tupperware thing full of cold water haha then they threw her in the jacuzzi poor haley i kinda felt bad for her NOT lol anyways then I was sittin down with haley on the steps and me and her ketp gettin sprayed by the water hose by spencer's mom!! then someone came and dumped the whole tupperware thing full of ice cold water all over me and haley and i came to the conculsion i'm not going to sit with haley anymore!lol so then me and savannah went inside of spencer's bathroom and had a lot of water balloon's and filled them all up with water and started throwin them at people...oh the fun we had! lol anyways oh yeah i hit savannah with one too sorry bout that savannah!* lol oh well it was the perfect moment and do you think i'd actually pass that up? hell no don't care who ya are! anyways then that was over we all chilled basically and umm me and spencer started dating again that day!!** yep i was kinda happy bout that =) okay very happy!! then oh yeah david herron was there by the way and he said he'd whoop my ass at ddr...hmm didn't work out how ya planned did it david?! HA!  I beat him bad! haha anyways we played that for a while had fun of course and um me and spencer did things...and um then we basically chatted on icq and had funny convo's and just chilled yep but that was fun...left round 11 and headed for home....when we got there I took a shower..then we ate then went to sleep...shew tiring day

TODAY was fun too woke up round 11 cuz they get a lot of phone calls...and I got up and talked to savannah and haley and watched tv then savannah taught me how to play a game called 'spit' but you may know it by 'speed' that's what i knew it by cuz angela at one time tried to teach me how to play but i couldn't learn but i did this time damnit!lol anyways after we played that a few hundred times we played bull shit which i'm good at well so was haley and savannah though so we all won bout the same amount of times....anyways then we took some pictures...me and savannah did basically and i read her story she's writing and we lisined to music she packed her bags to go to her dad's house and everyone left the apartment round 6:30....then I walked to spencer's house with spencer and devon...then i wasn't really supposed to be there so we stopped by devons which i dont really like him so i didnt wanna stay so we all headed back for spencers and sat down to watch stuck on you which is a good movie so far..didnt get to watch all of it b/c i wasnt supposed to be at spencer's so we went and sat outside til my mom came *cuz that's where i told her to pick me up at* and we all *me spencer and mom* went to taco bell and got some food then we took spencer back home and then now i'm home updating my journal weee you're finally up to date!

I hope you read all that cuz if not i just wasted a lot of my time!!!

Anyways randoms are next cuz i mighta forgot something:


! Vacation is in 6 more days can't wait!!

! Savannah's at her dad's house...i will miss her but that means i get to talk to her on yahoo for a while

! I stole some of savannah's pants and they're so comfy...i'll give em back...eventually


! I'm really happy me and spencer are back together i think that's what I needed!'

! My dad better come get me saturday =(

! I got a copy of Freek Show..i'm so happy =) =) <--2 faces means twice the happiness lol?

! I borrowed an anime comic from cody *savannah's step-brother* hope it's good so far it is! but i'm addicted to those things so it wouldn't matter i'd love it even if it totally sucked!

! I really have no randoms to give ya! sorry!

I hope you read all that cuz i wasted a lot of time if you didn't but if you did it was worth it right? i have interesting days usually so now you're up to date on my life if you even cared...but if you didn't why are you readin this anyways? oh well maybe you were just bored either way you read it and i thank you so LEAVE A COMMENT IF YOU READ!!

Words to Ponder:

The little things, little things, make me who I am today!

--Good Charlotte, from little things

PLEASE PLEASE leave comments thanks guys they are appreciated and if i get one from you i will go leave you one..it works think about it ; )
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