~I want you to want me, I need you to need me, Im begging you to beg me, I'd love you to love me~

Jul 16, 2004 16:43

So I know I just updated yesterday, but I am extremely bored so I'm here updating once again. Although I'll probably update tomorrow as well because I may be going up Savannah's house to meet one of her friends from Va Beach named Shannon, but all those plans are still iffy because I haven't gotten ahold of Savannah yet to see what's going on, but I'm going to try later on so maybe I won' tbe bored tomorrow as I was most of today. Well, I guess I'll go ahead and tell you about today.

TODAY I woke up around 10:30 because my mom was runnin the damn vaccuum cleaner right outside my door...why she feels it's necessary to clean the house at 10 in the mornin I don't know, but I was kinda pissed off because I only got 6 hours of sleep and now I'm tired.  Then I went to the Dollar Store and picked up a few things from there then headed out to Wise and Norton.  Well, first I went and ate at Reno's which was really good because I got the monterray chicken with a salad and a loaded baked potato...yeah it was yummy...then we left and went to Walmart to look for me a bathing suit and to find some of the things I need to take on vacation with me *9 more days* but couldn't find a bathing suit, so we walked over to cato's (still no luck) then to goody's(nope still didnt find one) so oh well i'll use the one i had last year i figured....so then i ran over to ingles to buy some moutnain dew and came back and got in a big argument with my mom...yeah that's everyday though so it was nothing new...i swear if i spend more than 3 hrs with that woman i fight..i have not gone a day without fighting with her ever! and i have noticed this and have tried to go a day you know? but its impossible she's impossible to get along with she's so immature and she needs to drastically grow up! but yeah then she appologized and we went to robo's and got anothe rone of thier fabulous!lol i dont know why they don't make them year round but they don't and that's sad....but oh well now i'm home talking to spencer on yahoo and he's gettin ready to head up savannah's house so then i'll be here alone...i'll probably watch a movie or something though so i won't get too bored.... umm so yeah that's my today so far and the rest will probably consist of me bein bored...maybe callin bitty i'm thinkin bout it cuz i dunno aint talked to her on the phone in a while....so yeah that's today for ya and now we'll go on to somethin i wanna ask you all about...i'm going to voice my opinion and in a comment i'd appreciate if you would do the same!


Alright so I'm probably touching on something that's a lil controversial, but my comments need some controversy last time i had some was with Savannah's thoughts, but I really don't want you all dissin her anymore so we'll do this....I'm goin gto voice my opinion right now and in a comment i'd appreciate if  you'd do the same along with commenting on the rest of my entrie of course ;) alright so here we go....we all heard about the whole lets ban gay marriage's right? well why?!?!! if straight people can get married, what's the big difference for gay people? sure i know i know it's against the bible...yeah well not everyone in the world believes in the bible...and i mean we have people out there who have formed satanist cults and everything but we don't stop that because they have free will supposedly but oh oh you cannot tell me that that is not against the bible...the gay people have free will too just like the satanist cults! i mean i'm all for people's free will and people's rights so i say let the gay's have rights too...there is nothing in the world wrong with them...you may not agree with their lifestyle, but no body said you had to! So, my opinion is give them rights, they are humans just like everyone else in this world....they are 2 ppl in love just like straight people and they just wanna get married...marriage is about love, commitment, and devotion and is it so hard to beleive that 2 people of the same sex can feel that? i'm not gay, nor do i ever intend on being, but these are my feleings because i think everyone deserves to have rights!

So now that you've heard my opinion on the whole subject and I'm not trying to make anyone mad at me or to say that one person is wrong and the other is right, but that is my opinion and I am giving you the oppurtunity to do the same...so go ahead and leave me a comment with your's as well...if you really don't care then just comment on the rest of my update! =)


() why is  the letter 'w' prounounced "double-u" when it really is 2 v's together why isn't it called "double-v"?? I've wondered that a lot actually....yes i have too much time on my hands..what's it to you?

() Thank God for vacations...can't wait til i go on mine...i need it bad

() My dad hasn't called all week

() my cat came home today!wee

() got 15 comments last time lets keep up the good work!Lol  i love comments sorry!!

() I love Spencer....no we're not dating yet....but maybe soon just i'm too pre-occupied to focus on that right now...

() I'm sleepy

()  I HATE when people read and do not comment so leave a comment if you read even if you don't comment about anything I wrote about just say hi!

() umm feels like i had more randoms to say, but I can't remember so this is it i guess

Anyways so I'm done updating for today I suppose...I'll probably update more tomorrow or sunday at latest...Again I say I HATE when people read and don't comment so leave me a comment if you read this entrie even if you dont say anything about what it was about in your comment just say heloooo cuz i appreciate anything =) thanks guys



Words to Ponder:

Even a journey of 1000 miles begins with one step.

--dont remember

PLEASE comment!! love to you all
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