My life is sad.

Feb 09, 2007 00:51

My tv crapped out last night, and I was totally depressed all day.  Don't get me wrong, I'm a little excited, because now I have an opportunity to upgrade, but the fact that I'd have to wait in the meantime was extremely depressing.  To the point where I hijacked my ex-tv from Matt's room to keep me company on these long, lonely nights between sets.  So I feel pathetic, because I could not even last one night without it.

Also, I think I might be PMSing, because I cried today... for a lot of reasons, which isn't strange.  But what set it off was hearing that Anna Nicole Smith died.  I seriously do not know what's wrong with me.

Other than that, work is good, school is good, Core Rhythms is the best (I'm taking it to the clubs!... not), I miss BEEFE, and I lied about Core Rhythms:  the Sarah Silverman Program is the best.  You people should all watch it.  But if you're Matt's friend, not in the living room with your parents, ok?  Um, what else?  I bought a bass guitar (it's purple!), my mom's boss sold me a $300 scanner for $20 because it didn't work on his computer so he just bought a new one, I randomly got into Animal Crossing: Wild World again, yet still have not completed FFXII or LoZ:TP, I just abbreviated 2 video games like a real nerd, and Sarah Silverman rules.

I finally saw Snakes on a Plane.  That movie was effing hilarious.  I laughed every time someone got bitten by a snake, which was approximately 239443 times over the course of the movie.  I laughed a lot.  The only thing I didn't like was how they (intentionally) waited till almost the end of the movie to dish out the "...get these muthafuckin snakes off this muthafuckin plane" line.  If you're watching the movie just for that line (like me), you're in for a long ride.  I can't believe I included a semi-review of Snakes on a Plane in a journal entry.  I really, really have a small, pathetic life.

On that note, I think I'm gonna hit the sack.  I'll let you guys know what's up with the whole tv situation when I post again in 3 months.
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