"Last time I got in your car, your radio was tuned to marching music."

Jul 30, 2010 17:17

Dexter: Do you know anything about wedding rings?
Deb: Yeah. Wedding rings and nuclear fusion are like, my secret specialities.
Dexter: ...Thanks.
Quinn: Your brother's kind of a dweeb, huh?
Deb: You say anything more about my brother and I will kick your fucking nuts down your throat.

...This is my way of saying I am finally making my way through the rest of "Dexter," and it is fucking glorious. Debra Morgan is my favorite forever, and have I mentioned lately that Julie Benz is the perfect woman? Because she is. Just saying.

Rita: Dexter's no help. Do you know when I asked him for menu suggestions, you know what he says?
Silvia: I don't know.
Rita: "Steak." He says, "Steak." You know, that's great, Dexter, that's really great. We'll start with a steak appetizer, followed by steak salad, followed, of course, by a steak, and then, of course, it'll all be topped off by a steak fucking cake.

tv: thrive on chaos, quotes

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