Help me with this,
Things got more complicated for the unfit. Patients with poor fitness scores who were overweight were nearly 7 times more likely to die during the study compared to the control group. But normal-weight people who were unfit were nearly 10 times more likely to die, the researchers found.
In other words, as long as a person with heart disease stays active, being obese-at least according to their body mass index-does not seem to make their prognosis worse. On the other hand, having too much abdominal fat is a problem even for people who can withstand a lot of exercise.
This is from the article Beat twittered about,
"Obese with strong heart beats thin and weak" and the explanation in the second paragraph quoted above does not actually say what the first paragraph says, despite starting with the words, "In other words." What the first paragraph actually says is, unfit patients in their study were less likely to die (in the short-term: I mean, obviously they'll all die eventually) if overweight than if they were of normal weight. Instead, the second paragraph says a bunch of bullcrap that has nothing to do with this statement.
The article also says that obese people have some kind of advantage in suppressing inflammation. And it has some more idiotic bull that reduces every bit of science on the subjects of heart disease, obesity, fitness, mortality, et al, to a quote from some jerk with a doctorate saying, "stop being so fat, fatties."
The actual science part is kinda cool, though.