[JMM] In a life or death situation, would you save yourself or someone you loved? Why?

Jan 15, 2009 19:41

Person I loved. Hands down, every time.

Maybe it was just the way I was raised-unit before self-but I just feel that if I’m in the position to help someone, I’m going to do it-for the most part. There are exceptions, as there are to everything. It depends on the situation, the consequences, etc, but for the most part, you do what you have to do for the good of the unit. And if that means that you have to take a swan dive for the rest of them to get out, then that’s what you have to do.

The goal of anything is to get everyone on your side out alive. Sometimes that doesn’t happen. So you want to have as few causalities as possible, and if that means taking the hit so that everyone else can get out, you do it. My unit was my family. They were all I knew for a long, long time, so naturally I don’t want to lose them anymore than they want to lose me. You take the hits that you can for the sake of those around you, and support those you can, when you can.

Now, I’m not going to say I haven’t been guilty of looking out for myself more than anyone else. If I had been able to get my siblings out of Manticore with me when I could, I would have. But it wasn’t a life or death situation for them-at least, not in the same way it was for me. I didn’t want to wind up in the basement, or worse, so I had to make a choice. It was either bail then, and stop dragging the unit down, or go back and take a risk that the whole unit would be punished for my failure. And I wasn’t about to let that happen.

Knowing them, they probably got punished anyway. So maybe, in the end, I did take the coward’s way out then. But I like to think that I can earn back what I lost. Unit before self. That’s just the way things work.

354 words

[verse]: open, [comm - inactive]: just muse me

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