results: challenge three, round nine

Mar 25, 2013 20:11

Thank you, voters! Unfortunately, we have to say goodbye to two iconmakers this week.

And sorry for the delay. Such great icons this time around, it made voting that much harder. XD Banner-maker this week is a_fast_machine.


setentpet with +7,
longerthanwedo with +5
I'm sorry to see you go! Thank you for participating, and I hope you stick around for voting. :)

Members' Choices:

absolutelybatty with -3 (tied & voted),
wickdshy with -10

Mod's Choice:

The b/w coloring works very well, and a clever use of lights and shadows.

( - ) = a favorite or 'positive' vote
( + ) = a least favorite or 'negative' vote.
(+ comment) = a comment not counting towards your score.
Votes count against each other.
If your icon number only has a zero, you received no votes.
A lower number is a better score.

01. +2 -1 = +1 (+ comment)
02. -1 = -1 (+ comment)
03. +2 -3 = -1 (+ comment)
04. -3 = -3 (+ comment)
05. +3 -1 = +2 (+ comment)
06. -3 = -3 (+ comment)
07. -1 = -1 (+ comment)
08. +7 = +7 (+ comment)
09. +3 -1 = +2 (+ comment)
10. +2 = +2 (+ comment)
11. -1 = -1 (+ comment)
12. +7 -2 = +5 (+ comment)
13. -10 = -10 (+ comment)
14. +1 -1 = 0 (+ comment)
15. +4 -1 = +3 (+ comment)
16. +2 -1 = +1 (+ comment)
17. -3 = -3 (+ comment)
18. +2 -2 = 0 (+ comment)
19. +1 -1 = 0 (+ comment)

Comment with your icon number to get your votes. Let me know if you'd like my reply screened or unscreened.

r.9 challenge three, results, round nine

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