
Aug 16, 2007 19:44

Just an update for those who actually read what i put on here.

After completely stressing over my A-levels, and all the attributed mess, I've started to write again. Actually i did last night waiting for the college email (which should have been at 2 am but no it was 7 am...so i stayed up all night for no reason, honestly that place could not organise a piss-up in a brewery.

Fic's on the way:

'Needing To Fix part 2' sequel to my post 'Contrycide' fic. [DONE]

That Old Mpreg Chestnut part 4

Also I'm contemplating furthering the 'Unknown' fic whic h is darker than the norm on my LJ. Feed-back appriciated on it.

Some more Ianto/Jack fluff...well it is me

Avon_09 is beta-ing my first ever fic so that may be posted soon, bless her.

Mulling around with the idea of getting around to doing a post-Cyberwoman fic

Another Tosh orientated fic, and a sequel to A Day In The Life Of Tosh

Maybe some Ianto/Jack sex-fic again...we'll see.

And lastly at the bottom of the pile where she belongs ; Gwen-Bashing fics, I so very much love those (she deserves it all)


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