⊕ ooc: zelos' relationships

Nov 07, 2008 21:46

Well, due to his rather weird and sometimes twisted personality, Zelos can be a little hard to get along with. He's a good people reader, and will usually catch on fast to things. He'll also use any weak points a person has to his advantage if he can/has to. On the other hand, he's a very hard man to actually get close to, and he honestly will probably not care too much about someone until they manage to hit that soft spot of his. Do note that he hardly opens up about himself, even with those he's close to, so don't take it personally.

People are listed in alphabetical order, and more will be added as Zelos meets them. ♥ Hopefully, I've remembered everyone. e__e;;

Uh, in case you didn't already know, Zelos is quite the womanizer. He'll pretty much hit on anything that's female and moves. :| He'll be nicer to you if you're female, but if you're a bitch that doesn't mean he'll soften up and forgive you. XD

Amber Another lovely green haired maiden. ♥ Rather intelligent and perceptive, and has something hidden under her calm personality.

C.C. Zelos doesn't really have much of a knowledge of this pretty lady, but knows something's up with her~ ♥ Knows she's a bit on the odd side, but doesn't care.

Colette The adorable little angel. ♥ Zelos likes her quite a bit and thinks she's right adorable. ♥ Not to mention, he still has quite a jealousy complex towards the way she handles being the Chosen, but nevermind that. He'll love her to death, but she can be so naive and klutzy that he can get exasperated sometimes. Luckily he's used to that.

Fran Uh, hello creepshow. She creeps him out in major amounts, but still. She's a girl. She's pretty sweet, although a little obsessed with the science stuff. May or may not have a crush on her after the genderswitch sex. :'| Kinda conflicted on how to view the whole weird ordeal.

Kallen A very lovely lady, and reminds him of Sheena a little, especially with her fighting spirit. Respects her because of this, and probably would have a crush on her if given the chance. XD Likes to tease and flirt with her.

Sheena She's his hunny. ♥ Honestly, she's probably one of the people he's the closest to out of anyone, and has a great deal of respect and care for her. He may tease and flirt with her constantly, but he knows her very well - almost inside and out. She's also one of the few people he probably actually trusts. If you try to hurt her or flirt with her, Zelos will fuck you up. :| Also, I personally ship them hardcore, so he's pretty much in love with the girl. :'D ♥ Lulz.

Well, he's not exactly big on hanging out with guys, but it doesn't mean he hates them either. :P He'll be pretty rude and teasing, but he'll usually only mean it as a joke.

Asch Ahahaha, hello stupid younger brother. ♥ He's the brat to him, and usually very very annoying. More estrogen than Sheena? Naw. *hit* Often gets into squabbles with the kid, but is slowly gaining trust in him. After getting a vouch of trust from Asch himself, he's a little closer to him.

Dean Just met him, but thinks he's pretty funny. Due to the simliar personality shared between them, Zelos is already suspicious of him, but knows he's probably more of a goof than he's let on. Also, knows the guy's probably been through a lot, and has a bit of respect for that.

Guy Only really just met the guy lololo bad pun *hit*, but knows he's a caring and rather goofy person from Asch and Luke. Finds it a little funny how he takes care of both of the brats other redheads.

Kamina Why on earth does he sound like Lloyd?! *hit* Other than that, he's a big crazy loud goofball. Kinda will avoid him, especially if he's driving.

Lelouch Er, another noble and somewhat creepy. Finds Asch's reactions to the guy pretty funny. Kinda gets the feeling there's more going on than Lelouch tells everyone.

Luke Eh, again, only has met a few times. Seems like a younger verison of Asch, and just as much of a brat and goof. For some reason, seems rather sad. Probably has something to do with that whole slowly disappearing deal.

Raven Well, he's the old man. ;| Zelos knew that this guy had more to him than first met the eye, and now that he knows more, he's a little more trusting of him. Still, since they have a very simliar personality, Zelos is somewhat wary of him. Trusts him in battle.

Rolo Uh uh, does not like this kid. Only met him once really, and already doesn't like him much at all. He's almost worse than a brat, and he sends off serious creeper vibes. Will probably whine and bitch at him if he sees him again.

Tamaki Hello, spaz. XD He doesn't really like or dislike Tamaki, and thinks he's pretty goofy. Tolerates him pretty well, other than when he's in full blown crazy spaz mode. Even then, he can kinda handle the goober. He respects him somewhat due to his soft spot for his mother, which holds ties to how Zelos always tried to please his own.

Yuri A rather laid back guy in love with a princess. What a dork.

relationships, !ooc

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