⊕ ooc: zelos' skills

Nov 07, 2008 21:01

Lol bandwagon. Like Asch and Raven, Zelos is from Tales and so he has quite a few skills at his disposal. Unlike the other two though, they didn't call it artes yet, so. :'> *hit* Zelos' skills are a little more straightforward than the other Tales of games, so. :'D Hopefully this will make sense. He has a lot of them though, so watch out.


Demon Fang This is one of his basic skills, and it's a good move to spam. He swings the sword down, sending a shockwave at the enemy. Pretty good and easy.

Double Demon Fang Pretty much a step up to Demon Fang - instead of just one shockwave, there's two. A little stronger than the original.

Fierce Demon Fang Another step up from Demon Fang - weaker than Double Demon Fang, but it does more hits.

Sonic Thrust Another basic attack. Basically, it's the same as the description - Zelos thrusts hard in one direction with his sword, such that you can see the surrounding air move. Dirtiest attack name ever.

Hurricane Thrust Well, I don't personally use this one much (since I usually go S type with Zelos), but it's a step up Sonic Thrust. He hits the opponent with a hard thrust, creating a small wind blast that can hit other enemies.

Supersonic Thrust Step up to Sonic Thrust, and much more powerful than its original. Pushes the enemy much farther back and causes more damage than Sonic Thrust.

Light Spear Another basic type attack, Zelos does a spiral spin that hits the enemy upwards, and finishes with a stab down. Pretty useful.

Victory Light Spear Step up from Light Spear, it does the same spiral spin upwards, and then Zelos does another spin-slash at the height of the climb.

Light Spear Cannon Another step up from Light Spear, it does the same spiral spin upwards, but Zelos stays on the ground to sends a quick and multi-hit stab to the enemy while they're up in the air.

Hell Pyre Zelos jumps backwards after slashing at his opponent and shoots out a fiery shot while he's jumping. The fireballs will explode on contact, so watch out.

Lightning Blade Zelos stabs the opponent, sending a shockwave of electricity down into them from above.

Super Lightning Blade Step up from Lightning Blade, it does the same stab and shock, but with the added affect of Wind Trust to deal more damage, also possibly hitting some surrounding enemies.

Demon Spear Honestly, don't remember this one much, so I'll run on the guide's description. A shockwave which travels through multiple enemies is shot before Zelos spirals up into the air and performs a top-air slash. Yeah. Ow, I guess.

Grave Blade Zelos slams the ground, sending out a shockwave with the earth and dirt moving along with it, giving it some decent range. Don't be near it, basically.

Guardian A green forcefield comes up, protecting Zelos from both Magic and Physical attacks. It can pretty much null and void a lot of attacks, and will take the brunt of most damage. I'm assuming it doesn't do much with Mystic Artes/Hi-Ougis though. :P


Fireball Basic spell. Zelos shoots out a few fireballs. To quote the guide - wowzers. :| Fairly quick to cast.

Eruption The title pretty much explains it - the ground explodes with fire, dealing damage while sending the enemy upwards. Basically, ouch. Takes a little while to cast.

Stone Blast Another basic spell. A pile of rocks burst upwards from underneath the enemy. Pretty quick to cast.

Grave The ground breaks apart, sending multiple spikes bursting upwards on all sides. Can hit multiple enemies. Takes a little while to cast.

Wind Blade Basic spell; it causes the wind around the enemy to slash at it in a small area. Pretty quick to cast.

Air Thrust A much larger amount of air slashes at the enemy than in Wind Blade, and does a heavier amount of damage and hits. Can easily hit multiple enemies. Takes a little while to cast.

Lightning Basic spell, causes a bolt of lightning to stike the opponent from above. Pretty quick to cast.

Thunder Blade Oooh, my favourite attack of his, I swear. ♥ A large amount of lightning attacks the opponent in the form of a giant sword, stricking them with a large area of impact. It also shocks everything within that area, making it easy to hit many enemies at once. Takes a little while to cast.

First Aid A basic healing spell, it heals a decent amount of damage and is fairly quick to cast. I tend to spam this, personally. :X;

Heaing Wind A large area swirls with healing air. No idea. It gradually heals anyone within that area until it dissapates. Takes a while to cast.

Healing Stream A large cirlce forms around the target, and anyone within that area is healed. It's a bit more potent than Healing Stream, but it has the same gradual effect until it dissapates. Takes a while to cast.

Judgement Yes, he can use this in the PS2 version. :| Basically, big columns of light strike the ground randomly all around the battlefield. It dosen't have very good accuracy - since the beams of light are random - but if you manage to get hit with one, it's gonna hurt. Has the chance of hitting many enemies at once and causing multiple hits. Takes a while to cast.


Shining Bind One of his two hi-ougi, or ultimate attacks. It's pretty damn powerful, if I say so myself. I'll go with the guide's description - heaven lends him their might, and he smites his enemies with pure force within a set area. He'll only use this if he's kinda desperate, or wants to get someone to go away. He pretty much has to be on his last legs to use this, anyway. Basically, do not make him use this, or his other hi-ougi for that matter.

Divine Judgement The second of his two hi-ougi. Basically, a very super powerful version of Judgement. Large columns of light crash down onto the opponent within a set area, blasting them until the ground beneath erupts into a mega shockwave. This one is a bit easier for him to use, but again, he'll only use it if he needs to prove a point. Don't make him use this either, ouch.

Sheeesh, I forgot how many he has. *orz* Technically, he has one more from the PS2 version, but I don't feel like adding that one. :P *hit* As you can probably tell from his rather extensive skills list, Zelos is a very talented magic swordsman. He also talks his freaking head off when he's casting and attacking, but ffff I can't remember all of his catchphrases. Basically, unless he's being all serious business, he will blabber his head off. :|

Keep in mind that yes, his attacks will carry over the Dreamberry, so don't piss him off or something~ ♥ Mostly this goes towards a certain redhead. B| I'm looking at you, brat. Of course, his attacks won't be quite as strong, and if you're just connected to the line you'll only get a little poof of the spell.

And now a bit on his general attack.

Like I said before, Zelos is a skilled magic swordsman, so he's very adept with a sword. He prefers a short sword or dagger, and his style is very flippant and silly. He literately spins around as he hits with his sword, but don't be fooled. He actually does a decent amount of damage with just his basic attacks, and he actually is fairly accurate with most of his attacks. He's not the fastest character, but he's much faster than his counterpart Kratos, and seems to be more even a little more skilled? Idk. Favoritism? Noooo. *hit*

And even though he's rather skilled with spells - especially for a human - he'll more likely attack with his sword than his spells. If you have him controlled by the CPU, he's more likely to run up and attack, and only cast if he has to. Of course, I tend to spam his magic skills personally, so he'll probably end up using them a little more in battles than usual. XD

Defense wise, he's pretty normal, I suppose. As a swordsman, he can also use a shield, and can usually take hits pretty well. It also helps that he can heal, so he'll be a pretty good choice for toughing it out through a fight as long as he can cast. He's also decent at dodging as well, especially with his spinning attacks. XD

Since Zelos has a Cruxis Crystal, he's technically an angel of his world. So, he actually has wings. Yes. Sparkly orange wings. :| They're pretty much like any other fandom wings - minus looking more like fairy than angel wings - so he can fly around and all that jazz. They're apparently made up of the person's inner mana, so I'm assuming they do not feel very good. The angel transformation sucks to begin with, and the wings look like they cause some good amount of pain. You won't see him with them much. Also, his Cruxis Crystal is canonically green, so just think he's hiding it somewhere else, but the Exsphere is obvious one. ;| And yes, the Cruxis Crystal/Exsphere grants him more strength, but not an insane amount.

Also note that just because he has angel-type skills does not mean that he likes to use them. He really doesn't like that part of himself, and with good reason. :'| He'll only use those skills if he has to, including the wings.

techs and skills list, !ooc

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