so this poem came to me driving last week.
i was wearing big huge sunglasses and the tint against the sky reminded me so much of oklahoma.
and i had to write it down i guess just to make it real and tangible,
because ill never forget that time in my life.
sepia-toned skies vast before the tiny me.
it all seemed so never ending,
the land, the houses, the long winter ahead.
and so we watched...
the famed dead girls, behind the locked double-plated windows,
palms pressed like wet wings.
we waited for the spring and the ripening of our bodies,
our skin slowly stretching like canvas, white and transperant...
hearts almost visible and beating in time.
and i remember the tornado,
ripping like a schism in time.
huddled in a white-washed stairwell, we waited once more, cold ground under bare feet.
the most lost put her head in my lap,
after years of never touching skin to ground.
i sang her to sleep,
resting my palm on the bony cup of her shoulder.
the spring came violently and we chased angry geese and learned to laugh.
gluttonous koi rose up from the pond like hazy nightmares we still had,
faces stuffed with food, gagging for air.
and i left too soon,
like a broken bird falling from a yellow sky.
never to return to a world
where the land was as flat as my former self.
i will return one day to you.