More retro gay porn! In this batch, there's some guys who were paired up once already for a different set, which I find kind of cute. Maybe they were a couple.
Also I'm posting this super quickly just before like half of my extended family arrives for a visit (AWKWARD) so, apologies if I've screwed up some HTML or something.
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My main purpose in commenting though is that I feel a duty to ensure that you aware of the following information which I feel is of particular interest to you... Keira Knightley is about to star in a film in which she gets spanked. If not previously aware of this, please proceed with massive freak-out. *Bows*
And hnnng I am aware and IT IS SO RELEVANT TO MY INTERESTS. I'm not sure how I feel about the idea of the film in general, but I will definitely be watching purely for that. /shallow
Lol, I don't know why I thought you wouldn't already know about this film. I'm not aware of the film in general (about to toddle off to imdb to remedy that), and I have a love/hate (mostly hate - sorry) relationship with Keira Knightley, but I want to see this.
Also, have you seen Last Night? I watched it a few months ago. It was kind of stupid, yet I felt kind of sucked in, so I'm curious as to what someone else might have thought about it.
Haha! Man, everybody seems to hate Keira Knightley, like I'm genuinely surprised if I come across another fan. I don't get it, but I'm kind of used to it.
I haven't, actually, and weirdly I hadn't even heard of it before. It sounds kind of interesting? Maybe? I can't really tell, the synopsis is a bit vague. Would you recommend it? I'm watching so many films right now that I may as well add another one...
I will add it to my list! Thanks for the suggestion even if you weren't so sure about it yourself. I did think Guillaume Canet was really good in Love Me If You Dare - I don't think I've seen him in anything else so I'm interested to.
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