Amazon Rank In case you haven't heard about this yet, has removed sales rankings from titles it has deemed as "Adult". However, to them, "Adult" seems to mean only "Gay & Lesbian Related In Any Way". Removed are non-"adult" things like: Young Adult books with gay themes but no sexual content, biographies of transgendered people, non-fiction books on the gay military ban, gender identity, and homophobia, a college campus guide for LGBT students, and lots of popular fiction (to be fair, some is explicit) such as Brokeback Mountain (this one got its rank back today, probably due to specific complaints). At the same time, FAR more explicitly "Adult" heterosexual books (such as the complete analogy of Playboy centerfolds) remain ranked.
Horrifically, an Amazon search on "homosexuality" now only shows books like A Parent's Guide to Preventing Homosexuality, Can Homosexuality Be Healed? and You Don't Have to Be Gay: Hope and Freedom for Males Struggling With Homosexuality or for Those Who Know of Someone Who Is.
I was shocked, disappointed, sickened and saddened by all of this. I've already signed a petition, emailed Amazon and Twittered the #amazonfail. Please continue to help spread the word on this.
Ways to do that...
--Repost to you lj/blog the following link as
Amazon Fail to help the Google bomb.
--Twitter including #amazonfail and that link
--Sign the
petition--Email or call Amazon Customer Service at / 1-800-201-7575
Some links with more info on how things are/have been going down in the blogosphere are
here, here
here and