30 Days of The West Wing: Day 29

Jul 19, 2014 14:51

Here is the meme in case anyone else would like to join in:

Day 1: Favorite Season
Day 2: Favorite Episode
Day 3: Favorite Song Used In An Episode
Day 4: Favorite Female Character
Day 5: Favorite Male Character
Day 6: Favorite Friendship
Day 7: Favorite Romance
Day 8: Least Favorite Female Character
Day 9: Least Favorite Male Character
Day 10: Least Favorite Season
Day 11: Least Favorite Romance
Day 12: Least Favorite Episode
Day 13: Favorite Bartlet that isn't the President
Day 14: Favorite Secret Service Agent
Day 15: Episode You Like That Others Hate
Day 16: Character You Relate To The Most
Day 17: Character Who Didn’t Get Enough Screen Time
Day 18: Character You Like That Others Hate
Day 19: Best President Bartlet-centric Episode
Day 20: Best Leo McGarry-centric Episode
Day 21: Best Toby Ziegler-centric Episode
Day 22: Best C.J. Gregg-centric Episode
Day 23: Best Joshua Lyman-centric Episode
Day 24: Most Harrowing Scene
Day 25: Favorite The West Wing Quote
Day 26: Two Characters You Wanted To Get Together That Never Did
Day 27: Cutest/Most Adorable Moment
Day 28: Character You Love To Hate
Day 29: Episode You Hate That Others Love
Day 30: What You Think Made TWW So Great

Day 29: Episode You Hate That Others Love

Now, see, it's just rude to ask me to hate things about my favorite show. :( In all seriousness, though, I looked over the list of TWW episodes to do this episode, and I can't actually select one for this day of the meme. There are episodes I dislike, in fact I discussed them already on Day 12. But I can't say that my least favorite episodes, Access and The Long Goodbye, are loved by others. So this one is sort of inapplicable, if only because I don't know several people who also love the show.

So instead, I'm snagging a page from the Buffy version of this meme so that I have something to say here. The BTVS meme has "Hottest Scene" instead of "Most Harrowing," and I feel like my show deserves a hottest scene list, though I'm sure my choices are fairly predictable. With The West Wing, I have to grade on a bit of a curve because so much happens offscreen or without actual contact (see Kate/Will, CJ/Danny long before they actually kiss, Sam/Laurie, Donna/anyone not-Josh, CJ/Toby), so it's not a very long list.

However, my top four are in ascending order:

CJ and Danny's first kiss, because their fingers entwine and I find it so randomly awesome.

CJ and Danny's almost-kiss in Season 4, because they have amazing chemistry and the writers are teasing shippers as much as CJ is teasing Danny with that moment.

Josh and Donna's first kiss because it is a slow-motion breathy kiss, and Spuffy at the Bronze made me love breathy kisses more than any others.

And finally, Josh and Amy's Season 5 kiss that I already linked to in an earlier post. Because it is oddly sad, completely unexplained in a way that expects you to read into it and them, and so quiet and pretty that it feels cinematic rather than like a TV show moment. I love this kiss not just because I love them as a couple and it represents their dynamic so well, or because Amy's character reminds me of me in the beginning, but also because I feel like with this scene, the show took two actors with great chemistry who are actually more talented than their roles require them to be and let them have their own little silent film. It's melancholy/hot, a strange but compelling combination.

And...related icons!

Thanks for reading. :)

See you tomorrow for Day 30!

memes, the west wing, icons, 30 days of the west wing

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