Tuesday JoBros Picspam!

Nov 16, 2010 19:01

SO OKAY. HERE'S THE THING. I basically love the Jonas Brothers. I love their stupid, ridiculous faaaaaaaces and their questionable fashion choices and their dorktasticness. Also, my dictionary's telling me that's not a word, but it is clearly WRONG because, see: THE JONAS BROTHERS, and that is the definition of dorktasticness okay.

I also would really dearly love to fuck them, because, well. YOU'RE ABOUT TO SEE, CAUSE I'M ABOUT TO SPAM YOU WITH MY FAVORITE PICS OF THEM, OOOOOOHHH YEAH, try not to get too excited there, sparky.

But anyway, I'm sort of making it my MISSION to make more people love them, because they have brought me so so so much joy in the span of like, 2 months, what even. To that end, I said I'd make a picspam post for @Unlikely__Hero on twitter, to try to get her into them, because, let's face it, these boys are pretty and we are all, at heart, shallow people. Or at least I am. LIKE, blah blah blah, they're awesome people, they're funny and weird and sweet and would probably be awesome to go hang out with at the mall, WHATEVER, HAVE YOU SEEN NICK'S ARMS? HOLY FUCK.

So, without further ado,

Joe being grabby with Nick (WTF else is new, dudes) and Nick...looking like he's having an orgasm on stage. Ahahaha, no also, it's this pic that's made me open up a gdoc called "musicgasm" in which Nick comes any time Joe and a guitar touches him at the same time. Like, really, what did everyone do without me in this fandom to write these kinds of stories, I ask you? Probably weep.

HUGTIMES! oh god, dubcon hugs are like, Joe's bread and butter, seriously. The best part though, is that when Nick doesn't think they're being filmed, he's just like, YAY HUGS! and just goes with it, and like. D'aaaawwww, brother boyfriends, is what I'm saying.

Stalkerazzi pap shot of Joe being a hotass in a ladycoat, as you do.

I really just. HOLY CHRIST. HOW IS THIS BOY REAL, FOR FUCK'S SAKE. Like, his ARMS. and his CHEST. And that little peek of TUMMY and just like. FLAIL.

LIKE OKAY, JOE. PLEASE STOP SMOLDERING AT THE CAMERA, YOU ARE SETTING MY PANTIES ON FIRE. Also, lol his celebrity crush is Daniel Craig. Be more gay, Joe, I DARE YOU.

NGH, FUCK, bb Nick's MOUTH, you guys. And the way he's just STARING at Joe, all INTENT and FOCUSED with his MOUTH OPEN and I just like to pretend that he's thinking of sucking Joe off.

AHAHAHAHAHA, OKAY so I'll admit I like this gif purely because it looks like Nick just came in his pants and is SHOCKED at himself.

I JUST. *HANDS* Nick Jonas, ladies and gentlemen. Are there any gentlemen here? Whatever, ARMS. STOMACH. COLLARBOOOOONE.

The boys being ADORABLE PUPPIES together. God they're so cute I basically want to vom.


LOOK, I'll admit I like to imagine them like, married and fucking. I KNOW THEY'RE BROTHERS, SHUT UPPPP. The point is I like to pretend that this was the day after they did it for ~the first time~ and all couldn't wear their rings on their fingers anymore but they couldn't like, just get rid of them, cause then there'd be like, RING GATE! So they took them off and put them on matching necklaces and were in love forever and ever. The end.

Nick and Joe. Like, it looks like they're kissing, how can I not love this picture? :3333

I think my favorite part of this picture is Kevin's completely gay manscarf. Or maybe Joe's douchey shoes. Or the fact that Joe is a pretty pretty princess and Nick is hot jailbait ass and Kevin is like...there and awesome.

I literally cannot talk about this picture coherently. FOR FUCK'S SAKE NICK, WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT SETTING MY PANTIES ON FIRE?

Nick just slapped Joe's ass, your argument is invalid.

HUUUUUUUUUGS, YOU MAKE ME SO HAPPY. Just, ugh, boys, being ridiculously cute and in love ALL THE TIME.

JOOOOOOEEEEEEEEE. SUCKING HIS FIIIIINGERS. Oh and guess whom he's staring at. If you guessed Nick, YOU WOULD BE A WINNER.

Nick, Joe, and Kevin...jumping for no apparent reason. Okay then.

Like, how do they make me want to do dirty dirty things to them when they're dressed like my goddamn 11th grade world history teacher? who was like, 70?

MORE HUG TIMES! Oh Joe, so proud of his bb bro <333

Joe is just so FOND here. Although in the vid this comes from, he does kind of sound like a creepy pedo. "Nick. You're a ROCK STAR."

IDEK what's going on here but I like it.

Um, if this isn't photoshopped? Nick, WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Are you seriously staring at your sleeping brother's mouth and looking like you want to lick it? Really? ...Well I mean, I guess they're your life choices, bro.



This is just...really really gay. From Kevin's pants to Nick on the table being all jailbaity and...you know, Joe. Being Joe.

See, and then they sometimes do THIS SHIT to me, and are all dapper and actually like, didn't get dressed in the dark, and just like. *hands*

....and then sometimes Nick wears a bowtie.

No seriously, this entire picture is just really confusing. Like, Nick - choking Joe. Kevin- being really gay. I just. What.

LOL JOE, that SHIRT. ...and also those ARMS, FUCK.

Speaking of arms and every other delicious body part, Jesus fucking CHRIST, Nicholas Jerry Jonas, WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME? I LIKE IT, PLEASE CONTINUE.

SWEET LITTLE BROTHER BOYFRIENDS, just chillin in bed together, NO BIGGIE.

AAAAAAAND this is what I meant when I said "questionable fashion choices." The Jonas Brothers make them. A lot. But then they also hold hands, which :333333

God, I don't even know why I love this picture so much, except Nick is so INTENT on Joe. And also his vneck shirt, UNF.


MORE SMILEY BOYS! Also, that is one hotass guitar, Nick, damn.

Um. I don't even...what? Like, no really, what?

Joe looking like a DUDE for a change. And Nick, his proud jailbait boyfriend.

Joe focusing REALLY INTENTLY on his brother's mouth. Because that's totally normal, right? Right?

PSSST. JOE. YOU'RE DOING IT AGAIN. It is called discretion, Hoseph, you should get some maybe.

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, Joe's stupid bow shirt and Nick's douchey headband. Oh god boys, your ridiculousness makes me so happy.

UM. YES. NICK DID JUST LOOK HIS BROTHER UP AND DOWN IN A FLIRTY MANNER. JESUS FUCK. AHAHAHAHA, aaaaaand then there's Kevin doing some...weird form of dance? maybe?

NO OMG SERIOUSLY, this is the greatest gif ever, whoever made this gif is a GENIUS and I LOVE them.

AND THERE YOU GO, my photo essay about the Jonas Brothers. And so, in conclusion: THEIR LITTLE FAAAAAACESSSSSSS.

kevin is actually awesome okay, going to hell, oh god i like incest now, the special jonas hell

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