Part 2 of the epic Merlin/Arthur Recs list, hot damn

Nov 15, 2010 21:46

Part one is here.

Four Times Merlin Needed Saving (and one time he didn't)
Four times Merlin needed saving, and one time he didn't.
Night and Light and the Half Light
“Arthur doesn’t know,” Morgana said, too quickly, and for some reason Arthur felt as though the bottom had just dropped out of his stomach.
Scent verse
Merlin is about 99% sure that the first thing that people are supposed to do upon meeting you is not to press you against the nearest wall and start sniffing you.
The Sword and the Faith
A group of insurgents kidnap Arthur’s pet sorcerer; Arthur takes this very poorly.

Kings Don't Always Need Advice (And Particularly Not This Much)
“Uther Pendragon is an elitist old fool,” Her Highness said sharply, sighing in anger. “But he has a point. So long as the law stands, you are required to comply, or the crown will be forfeit.”

“To Uther?” Merlin said, shocked.

“No, no, don’t be foolish.” Grandmother gave an impatient wave of her hand. “Have your history lessons taught you nothing? He has no more claim to the throne than most commoners, despite what he likes to think.”

“But unfortunately, his nephew does, through an indiscreet relationship between your father’s first cousin Igraine and Uther’s late brother. If you were forced to abdicate for any reason, his genetic claim, bastardized though it may be, places Uther’s nephew directly in the line of succession.”

Two Weeks Notice: Master Post
Arthur is a prattish Executive VP of the Pendragon Corporation with a disturbingly non-ironic love of Demotivational posters. Merlin is a tree-hugging barista with a "magic" tongue. Morgana's a peeping Tom and her breasts have superpowers. Gwen and Lancelot get married. Owain is the company bicycle. Arthur attempts to steal Merlin's affections from Will through epic DDR combat. Merlin gets drunk a lot. There is a pillow fight, and a helicopter ride, and rooftop confessions, and Arthur decides Merlin really is his destiny, whether he likes it or not.
Wherein Merlin Wears a Dress and Arthur Buggers the Hell Out of HimThis is not how Merlin expected his evening to go.
The Future, And What's In Between
Merlin doesn’t see the future. Except when he does.
So Merlin Emrys, Here Is Your Holiday
The first thing Merlin Emrys thought when he was born, was “Oh, hell no.”

reel_fic 1: Cinderella
Merlin, Gwen and Morgana have been "apprenticed" by Nimueh, but when Merlin falls into her bad books, he has to work as a servant in a house where he was previously a favoured member of the household. When Merlin hears of Nimueh's plan to enact some kind of revenge on the King through the King's son, he does everything he can to make sure this prince stays safe. Even if that does mean appearing the these balls as a girl and disappearing at midnight...
Within Sight
When a curse blinds Arthur, his position as heir is threatened.
Obviously, it was not just any sort of egg.
BeeeJ's Den of Iniquity -
For reel_merlin.

Movie Prompt: Pride & Prejudice
We're a Storm in Somebody Else's Teacup
What You Carry With You
Truth and knowledge are just as heavy as any yoke around the neck. For all Arthur's posturing, he is not Atlas, and he can't shoulder the weight of the world.
Because, really, why wouldn’t the slash dragon’s fire create a slash sword?
A Year and a Day
Pre-series, Arthur goes into a fairy hill.
Gaze on Oblivion
Being two sides of the same coin means they can never look at the same place, without consequences.
Rarer Than Merlin knew all about unicorns. Everyone knew about unicorns... Everyone was wrong.
the tale of the sea serpentPrequel to Job Orientation. Before anyone built towers or became kings that hide from councils or thought five hundred steps was some kind of actual challenge, there was a prince, a sorcerer, and a sea serpent in a river. But really, it started well before that. Because first, there was a prince, and silence, and a secret that was no secret at all.

DRP: Honeymoon
The original plan had been, in fact, to honeymoon in Spain.

Two For One
"Yes, fine, there's a lady in the lake and she has your sword."
The Crown of the Summer Court
"The king sent me to get you," Merlin said, with a tone that implied strongly that he wasn't rolling his eyes where Arthur could see, but just wait until his back was turned. "He said you're to get changed into formal clothes and meet him in the Great Hall, there's a delegation coming from the Summer Court."
job orientation
In the not so distant future, Merlin builds a tower. That's not suspicious at all.
Users are Losers
“Destiny is outlawed, you know,” Arthur says. Merlin laughs. “You try telling destiny that.”
Drastically Redefining Protocol
As a rule, Arthur had given up on chafing at the near-constant swirl of people that came along with his shockingly over-scheduled days. Still, once in a while the itch and suffocation of being monitored twenty-four hours a day grew too much, and he found himself tiptoeing down mostly deserted hospital hallways trying to hide from his handlers.

"Telling Lies" Drabble
Merlin cannot lie.
Three TasksArthur is the Royal Arbiter for Suitable Suitors' Disputes. He (and his trusty companion, the golden-dragon-tasselled hat) alone can determine who is fit to woo royal servants and other assorted courtiers in Uther's court.
Mirrored Glass He was supposed to protect his people, starting with his servants and if Merlin believed he couldn't come to Arthur with this then of what purpose was Arthur?
Into His Own Merlin thought nothing of it when Gaius dropped the first clay pot. It was, after all, an empty pot.
The Pendragon Guide to How Not to Date Modern day student AU. Still set in Britain. Morgana sends Arthur on some blind dates that don’t go quite according to plan
Without Song
In which Arthur is envoy to a grieving family, and Merlin rides with him.
Peach, Plum, PearHow in his tenth year of rule King Arthur chose a man to take the role of Court's Magician, and how Arthur made his decision.
privileges of rank
Arthur's biggest problem to date, Merlin thinks darkly as he carries yet another load of suspiciously not-really-dirty clothing down the stairs, is an unaccountable fear of anyone, anywhere, suspecting he's capable of being other than a complete and utter prat.
Fruition (or The Education of Arthur)
It was really all Sir Wynston's fault.
He only meant to complain; you didn't take serving girls on hunting trips, and the alternative interpretation didn't even occur to him until Merlin said indignantly, "I'm not going to do that!"
so are they all, all honourable men
There's something personally humiliating about recognizing that the pristine state of one's room and the blinding shine of one's armour aren't actually a sign that Merlin's improved in either demeanour or skill. Feeling faintly wary, Arthur notices the disturbing cleanliness of the stone floor, the line-straight edge of the rugs, and braces himself before he looks at the precise folds of blankets on his bed.

No rat droppings. He doesn't wince at all.

Polishing Buttons
He was pretty sure Arthur was lying, or at least maybe fibbing a bit, about the duties of a manservant. The cleaning he believed, didn’t like, but believed. He believed the armor, and the swords and…well…the original polishing of buttons. The baths, massages, sword practice and hunting were a little unreliable.
Two Weeks and Two Days
"You no doubt got used to an easy life while I was away," Arthur said, his voice a lazy drawl. But when Merlin glanced over, he found Arthur's gaze intent upon him.

Two weeks and two days. Merlin hadn't even realized he'd been counting until that sharp moment when he'd seen Arthur riding into the courtyard with his knights. He'd ducked back under the arch, unprepared for the way his heart had beat faster with relief.
Woke Up New
Merlin and Arthur switch bodies; complications ensue.
(wires/fingers) crossed
"A Lord of the Bedchamber (also known as a Gentleman of the Bedchamber) was a courtier in the Royal Household of the King of the United Kingdom (and its predecessor states), the Prince of Wales and often a male consort. A Lord of the Bedchamber's duties consisted of assisting the King with his dressing, waiting on him when he ate in private, guarding access to him in his bedchamber and closet and providing companionship. The offices were in the gift of The Crown and were originally sworn by Royal Warrant directed to the Lord Chamberlain."
All the Laughter From Before
Like all stories there are two sides
Sweltering (Merlin/Arthur)
The castle is sweltering in the midsummer heat, stones breathing damply under the sun's height when even the air lies still. Training and necessary drill is a thing for the morning, to be endured; now at last the armor has been discarded, and Arthur's flung himself naked over the crushed red expanse of his coverlet, his hair untidy against the crimson and his back sticking to the wool beneath him. Thin shining lines of sweat trickle down the side of his face and his arms as he breathes only shallowly, resenting even that much movement.

Dream a Little Dream of MeRating:
Merlin dreams, Arthur finds out about that whole magic thing and is blackmailed, and a boar terrorizes Camelot.

slán sábháilte
Arthur and Merlin keep saving each other. Eventually they may even admit it.

How Many Miles to Babylon
A water nymph made them do it. No, really.
The Kingdom of the Blaggers
The problem with being the son of Uther Pendragon, legend of stage and screen, winner of Emmys (twice), Tonys (once), Oliviers (multiple), BAFTAs (twice), Oscars (once) and People's Sexiest Man (twice) was that nobody was ever going to take Arthur seriously as an actor in his own right.
Down Among the Saints
In which Merlin discovers his unusual parentage.
"Gwen? Are you alright?"

"Am I alright?" She sounds slightly hysterical, but her hands are steady as she helps Merlin sit up. "Merlin, are you-how did-why did-you're a GIRL!"
Under His Skin
As he lies in the straw of the dungeon, he realizes that he is offended that Arthur is an arse. Because he's not supposed to be. He's supposed to be beautiful all the way through.
Walks in Beauty
They all stared at Arthur's chest and that was when Merlin's brain really registered the thinner face, the smooth throat and he said feelingly, “Oh shit.”
summer country
Water again. When Merlin comes up, he spits out water that tastes of cool metal, sharp like melting ice, and something in him seems to expand cautiously, thoughtfully. The Sidhe live here, bridging earth and other, both here and not.

The earth feels very, very close here.

The trouble with spells is that they don't always work the way you think they will.
Happily Ever After, My Arse
"My destiny's an idiot?" Arthur didn't bother to hide his disdain. "I want a do-over."
Dyslexic History
The Once and Future King has returned. And he's more than a little amused at the way his legend has been written.
Treason to Us
Arthur finds out. And he does not react well.
In Turning We Come Around Right
Arthur wakes up changed and that changes everything else.
Arthur's Sword
It started when Merlin added stinkweed to Arthur's fireplace. "Is there a dead fish in this room?" Arthur had said for about three days, until he finally caught Merlin smirking.
quickening daysIn which dragons & ghosts & prejudices are confronted, Merlin wears a hat (twice) and a dress (once), Arthur breaks some crockery (lots), there are more pranks than pillowfights but at least one of each, and many secrets are revealed.
Droit de Seigneur
There was nothing wrong with lusting over servants. Most of Arthur's knights had their sheets regularly warmed by various serving wenches and Uther had, in a mortifying conversation that still made Arthur curl up in embarrassment thinking of it, made it clear that as long as the trysts didn't result in any accidental children, he wasn't going to object to Arthur taking a servant to his bed.
The Sword in the Stone
Young Arthur sets out to pull the sword from the stone. It's not quite what he expected.
In A Yellow Wood
"-and I'll want you to draw me a bath the minute we get back," Arthur finished. "I'm not going to report to my father when I'm still covered in dust from the road."

"Yes, sire," Merlin said, rolling his eyes in a completely unneccessary and irritating way. Arthur did not glare at him because Arthur was a prince and making faces at servants was beneath his dignity. He looked straight ahead at the road and the gleaming towers of Camelot in the distance and only smirked to himself a little bit as he added, "Then go report to the duty torturer. Three hours in the stocks ought to do it. You've been the most insolent travelling companion I've ever had."
Unknown Variable
There had always been more between them than was wise.
Of all the many things Merlin had ever worried about getting arrested for, despoiling the king's ward hadn't been one of them.
The Walls Have Ears
The walls have ears… and mouths. Merlin starts learning things, some of which he really wishes he could unlearn. (And some of which he doesn't)
The King is dead. Long live the King.
so magicalin which merlin accidentally turns himself into a girl for a few days, because sometimes these things just happen.
Time Now To Be The Future
"So," Arthur asked, shifting from one foot to the other, hand on the hilt of his sword. "Is this where the dragon is?"

"Or the Cyclops or the Minotaur," Verdandi agreed. "I didn't get a very good look. But it has something that belongs to me and I need to get it back." Her hands went to the front laces of her cloak, untying it. "Are you going to help me?"
Turn The Tables
"I cannot believe I am agreeing to this," Arthur huffed impatiently as Merlin tested the rope for the second time.
It wasn't difficult to hear the first time. "I owe it all to Gaius," Arthur had said.
Walking into Legend
But the blood races through his veins, he wants to shout, to fling thunderbolts from his fingers, anything to release the power that fizzes within him, that makes his hands shake on the reins.
Arthur didn't speak to him for a week after he found out.
Buggre Alle This
The Slow Progress of Comprehension
It seemed like a compromise: Merlin could be a warlock, but only where Arthur could not see.
Damsel in Distress
Merlin was no expert, but the minstrel troupe's performance in the courtyard seemed to be going fairly well until the dragon landed on the roof of the Great Hall.
Old Chinese Proverbs and Other Wisdom
An episode tag to 1.10
Very Nearly
Sometimes, "a close thing" becomes a closer thing.

"I knew those scarves served a purpose other than just making Merlin look gay."
The one way Merlin had never expected Arthur to find out about his magic happened one Friday afternoon, not long after lunch.
Ante Mortem
Future fic. This takes place right after the battle of Camlann where, according to the legend, Arthur fights Mordred and is mortally wounded.
This is Not One of Those Times
From the Anonymous Kink Meme prompt 137. In which magic and misconceptions run amok, and everybody is surprised at the result (except mostly they’re not).
That Shall Achieve The Sword
Arthur had just started to get really irritated, as opposed to the low-grade and permanent Merlin is late again irritation that somehow managed to be endearing-and how exactly Merlin had managed that, Arthur would really have liked to know, mostly so he could work out how to use it on Uther.
The Accidental Seduction
Arthur's a bit dim and a prank goes horribly awry, but in the end this works out to the benefit of all involved.
Accidental Magic
When Merlin gets a bad cold, he begins accidentally granting Arthur's wishes.

Four Times Merlin Was a Lousy Court Magician
Does what it says on the tin Less than one blow
"I can take you apart with one blow." "I can take you apart with less than that."
Something To Talk About
Merlin and Arthur go for a ride. Not that kind, you pervs!
The Hazel and the Honeysuckle.
A Merlin retelling of another Arthurian legend.
Untitled Fic
smut where everyone could see them, but didn't notice.
Arthur and the Lust Potion
Lust potion gets slipped into Arthur’s drink. Merlin in the first person he sees.
Four Times Merlin Cock-Blocked Arthur, and One Time He Didn't
He doesn't mean to the first time. Truly. It was an honest mistake.
Five Secrets Merlin Knows About ArthurArthur likes to think he's good at concealing things. But Merlin knows just how to find all of Arthur's secrets, and suddenly nothing is safe.
There'd Been A Time...
A series of coda ficlets for 1x10. On the way back to Camelot, Arthur begins to see all the ways that Merlin has challenged his concept of what the relationship between a servant and his master should be.
And None But We Can Be Such Kings
Merlin really was the court idiot. Was this what the Dragon had meant by halves of a whole?
Not Quite Mary Poppins
The one where Merlin is a nanny, Arthur’s both a prat and a normal human being, Morgana schemes and Uther does relatively little.
Far From Sober
A fluffy, cracky AU fic, featuring emo!Merlin.
phantomjam: birthday fic!
It's Arthur's birthday, but he's not the only one getting presents.
phantomjam: Fic time!
Their seduction, like everything else between them, is a contest of wills
And Still
In which there is a quest, a test, and maybe some kissing.
Controllable Things
In which Arthur learns to be unafraid of magic.
and i am alive
Speculation is ripe within hot new band Slash Dragon after sharp-eyed fans spotted significant looks and touching between the two singers, Arthur Pendragon and Merlin Emrys.
The trouble with being an idiot All the times that Merlin had imagined telling Arthur about his magic, he had never come up with anything quite so unspectacular
moonythestrals: MERLIN FIC
Merlin is rather unsure about the direction in which his destiny seems to be taking him, and the Dragon is completely unhelpful.
Next Time, I Will Remember This And I Will Say 'No'
“Arthur wants you to pretend to be him so that he doesn’t have to get married to Princess Helena?”

Unknown Side Effect
The first thing Merlin had learned about magic when he’d gotten to Camelot - aside from the fact that the practice of it could get you killed - was that it didn’t always work as planned.
Three Castles
It’s a perfectly wretched day in Camelot when Uther Pendragon announces Arthur’s betrothal.
Past Imperfect
"You're being annoying, so no, I'd have to say this seems perfectly normal."
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