Yet more crack!fic, spawned from the fluffy!Snape challenge

Dec 31, 2005 03:26

Title: The Boy with Butterfly Wings
Author: likeaglass
Status: Complete
Pairing: Snape/Harry
Rating: NC-17. I despair that I will ever write something *not* NC-17 unless forced.
A/N: Yes, another entry for regan_v's fluffy!Snape challenge. This one was a one-shot inspired by this little exchange in imkalena's journal. You should definitely read her entry to the challenge first, A Friend Indeed, as this ficlet is based on that one.

Throughout the intervening years, Severus and Harry became the best of friends. They never did anything without the other, and they could talk to each other about anything. One spring day, however, their friendship was put to one more test.

Harry and Severus were out in the garden, laying shirtless by the roses that had once saved Harry’s life. The boys would often come out here and talk in the sun for hours, gazing at all the flora around them in wonder and holding hands to show their affection for one another.

“Oh!” Harry said suddenly, pulling his slightly chartreuse hand away from Severus’. “Look at that butterfly!” Harry sat up and pushed himself off the ground. Beautiful green eyes shining, Harry took a few tentative steps away from Severus, who had also sat up, and stretched out his hand to the large blue-black butterfly. Harry laughed as the butterfly alighted on the tips of his fingers, turning back to Severus with a joyful smile curving his pink lips.

Severus caught his breath at the sudden hitch in his chest. The light was glinting off of Harry’s opalescent wings - they had gone shiny and iridescent several years after Harry first came out of his cocoon. A brilliant rainbow fanned out from them, sparkling on the air. Severus had never seen anything so beautiful, and he felt his chest constrict within his breast. He feared that Harry would know how his feelings had changed and would reject him, so he remained silent, watching Harry play with the butterfly. After all, he wasn’t beautiful like Harry; he didn’t have hair made of silk, or eyes that rivaled the sparkling dew-kissed grass for greenness, and he certainly didn’t have wings that shone in the sun like jewels.

Something must have shown in his face, however, because Harry tilted his head, the curve of his lips unbending slowly. “Severus?” Harry asked as the butterfly took flight. He dropped his hand to his side and stepped forward, casting Severus into cool shadow. “What’s the matter?” Gently, he dropped to his knees in front of Severus, reaching for his hand and interlacing their fingers.

It was too much for Severus. Harry’s beguiling eyes, his bewitching mouth - Severus leaned forward and pressed his lips to Harry’s, breathing into the space between them.

For a moment, both boys were very still. Then, Severus heard a faint “oh!” before Harry surged forward, crushing their lips together. They fell back into the soft grass, Harry gripping Severus’ shoulders. Harry’s lips were velvety above Severus’, just like his skin had always been. It was heaven kissing Harry, his only real friend in the world, and Severus sighed into his soft pink mouth.

Slowly, Severus brushed his hand down Harry’s side, eliciting shivers from the other boy. His hand came to a stop at the top of Harry’s shorts, and Severus broke away from the kiss, looking inquisitively up into Harry’s face, which broke out into a brilliant smile once again. Harry nodded, eyes bright despite the shadows of the rose bushes half obscuring his face, and Severus began undoing the row of shiny silver buttons. When he had finished, he slipped his hands around to cup Harry’s soft round bottom, pushing the heavy denim away from the satin skin.

Harry, eager to reciprocate, brought his own fingers to Severus’ loose trousers, slipping them easily to mid-thigh. Severus’ erection, already wet at the head, sprang from the waist band of his shorts, slapping his belly. Fascinated, Harry stretched out his hand as he had with the butterfly, the same look of awe on his face. Gently, as though fearful of scaring Severus away, Harry lightly caressed the flushed head of his cock.

Severus gasped, overwhelmed at the amazing new sensations Harry was causing in him. Harry smiled at the sound, lifting his head to gaze into Severus’ eyes as he continued to stroke his cock.

“No, wait,” Severus said, reaching around to grasp Harry’s delicate wrist.

Harry’s smile vanished instantly and his brow furrowed. “Was I... was I doing something wrong?”

“No,” Severus assured him. “I just want...” Severus trailed off and looked away, biting his lip.

“Severus?” Harry asked and curled his fingers gently around Severus’ jaw, bringing Severus’ eyes back to his. “Whatever you want, I’ll do. I -” Harry nibbled his bottom lip, as though he couldn’t bring himself to say what he had been about to. “You’re my best friend,” he said instead. “Whatever you want.”

“I want to be in you.” The words came out all in one breath, and Severus could feel the color creeping into his cheeks.

To his delighted surprise, Harry grinned down at him. “Whatever you want,” he whispered again. Harry shimmied out of his jeans, creating all sorts of delicious friction between their bodies as he did so. When he had thrown them away, he sat back on his heels, gloriously naked.

Severus looked his fill, then stretched out his arms to the beautiful boy in front of him. “Come here.” Harry went instantly and they kissed again, breathing for each other as they had always done before, though never as sweetly as this.

Harry pulled back first, panting from their ambrosia kisses. “Are you ready?” he whispered. It seemed right to whisper now, before this most sacred of unions occurred. Severus nodded, and Harry stretched out his lustrous wings before raising himself up and sinking down on Severus’ length in one smooth motion. He threw his head back and groaned, and Severus could feel the vibration from his cock to his toes.

Severus breathed out. The pleasure was almost unbearable, and he had to think of Harry as he had been - many-legged and covered in green fuzz - until he could control himself. “Okay?” He smoothed a hand down Harry’s chest, pausing at a silken nipple to stroke the hard nub.

Harry’s eyes opened slowly and he nodded. Wings spread out behind him and beating gently, Harry lifted himself halfway up Severus’ cock. His wings folded behind his shoulders as he pushed himself back down again, a thin sheen of sweat breaking out over his body. Severus dug his hands into the loam beneath him, aching at the beauty before him.

Harry’s wings kept time as they moved together. The soft sun shone down on their glistening bodies, anointing them in a glowing aura of safety and need. All too soon, Harry’s wings gave one more powerful surge as he sank down, his cock pulsing in time to their flutters. Harry leaned down and kissed Severus even as the last drops of pearly green liquid shot from his spent cock, and Harry’s tongue pulled Severus’ orgasm from him. He came in deep, silent pulses, arms wrapped around Harry’s back, mindful of his fragile wings.

They lay for a long time afterwards, engrossed in each other, catching their breath. Many soft kisses and murmurs of endearment were exchanged, and both basked in the gentle warmth of the afternoon and each other.

After an unknowable length of time spent like this, Severus shifted his arms, which had become rather cramped, despite their pleasant position around Harry. They accidentally brushed against the soft gossamer wings, and Harry moaned, writhing in Severus’ arms.

“Harry?” Snape asked, quite frantic that he had unintentionally caused some pain. “Did I hurt you?”

Harry shook his head and opened his eyes, shifting so that his wings brushed against the backs of Severus’ arms again. Belatedly, Severus realized that Harry had become completely hard once more within the space of the first brush and the second.

A slow grin spread across his features. “Ready for another go?” he asked as he swept the tips of his fingers against Harry’s wings again.

Haha, hair made of silk, cocoon, get it, get it? Yeah, I need sleep. *passes out*

fandom: harry potter, my fic: harry potter, pairing: harry/snape, my fic

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