Fandom resolutions and concrit.

Dec 31, 2005 00:12

Just so you know: If I ever post something that you don't like, please tell me. Tell me what you didn't like, what you thought I could have done better, what you did like, if anything. I crave feedback of any kind, and concrit is no exception. I like knowing what others think, and you won't hurt my feelings, promise.

Unless the comment is "you fucking suck", of course, in which case I might be understandably huffy.

1. Comment on a post if I've got something to say, instead of leaving a tab open with the page, only to come back to it weeks later and forget what I was going to write.

2. Write more.

3. Learn that surfing porn in public places is okay, and if that old man is really reading over my shoulder like I think he is, then he deserves to get an eyeful of gay porn. Creepy bastard.

4. Write more.

5. READ MORE PORN. PORN IS GOOD. Then rec it, so everyone else may also read of the porn.

fandom: harry potter, meta: fandom, meta: fic, concrit

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