TOUCH SCREENS SUCK. I'm just sayin'. I decided against the iPhone because of budgetary issues, and went with the
Samsung Impression. It was a hellacious relationship that lasted Friday through Tuesday. The Impression was like dating an extremely hot man with lots of yummy muscles and not a brain in his head. It felt so nice to slide out the keyboard, and the texture of the phone was just scrummy, and the screen was so pretty. But it could do everything except be a phone. It didn't even have speed dial! When you tried to unlock it, the keyboard would start to slide out. Typing was a confusing mess of me yelling at the phone because THAT'S NOT THE BUTTON I PUSHED, DAMMIT!
There will be a lot of caps in this post.
So, for those and other reasons, I took it back and got the
Samsung Solstice last night. The Soltice and I are already stuggling to make things work. The touch screen is a bust. It always selects the letter next to the one you're trying for, and if you hit backspace twice and miss by a fraction of a millimeter, it SENDS THE MESSAGE. I was trying to text-flirt with the salesman (no good story there, move along folks) after I got home last night and ended up looking like a complete tool. He thought it was funny, BUT STILL. At dinner tonight, I let my friends try it and pretty soon we were all cussing loudly at the phone in a crowded restaurant. Not very classy. No one could make the thing work! As much trouble as I'm having with it, it has some redeeming qualities that makes me want to keep trying. For instance, I can "write" on the touch screen by drawing letters with my fingertips that it converts into text, which seems to work pretty well. It also has a voice command feature that I would like to try to figure out. However, if this phone doesn't work, I'm marching right back into the store and I'll try another one. It's a phone, so it really has to work for me.
IN OTHER NEWS. I don't really need the caps anymore because I'm done talking about phones, but I'm still feeling a bit snarky, so bear with me. Who wants
ten bucks off a paid LJ account? Let me know and I'll send it to you.
UPDATE ALREADY: no, the handwriting feature does NOT work! Not very well. Way slower than typing and it seems to guess the letter wrong all the friggin' time. Ugh. Can I please have a phone that works properly? PLEASE?