Great Day Yesterday

Dec 24, 2005 00:59

Hey guys. Man school is finally out for Christmas Break thank good. Well yesterday was prob the best day that i have had in a long time. Me and Josh went to J.J. Kelly to watch the basketball games and for me to go see Kristen. Well after her game was over she came and sat with me and josh which was ok. Everything went kool till we found out we had to stay the whoel time which was threw all the JV and Varsity. GOSH it got so boring me and josh about couldn't take it anymore. I think me and josh really started going Crazy. We started Yelling a screaming acting like total dumbass and everyone was laughing at us and having a good time. And a couple of the girls told me and josh that they had never meet a couple of boys like us ever. SO that mad me and Josh feel really good. SO we stayed the rest of the time to talk and hang with the friends we made over there. I best part would have to be this girl that kept walking by me and Josh she had a Skirt on and a pair of brown tights under it and everytime she went by me and josh couldn't help but laught at her she looked so stupid. But after the games were over me and josh had to head to walmart and Kristen asked her mom if she could go with us and sure enough she could but with one catch we had to take i guess her friend Percilla. GOD i hate that girl she was about to kill me and Josh she would shutup and would always dis joshs driving i thought me and josh was going to kill her i swear i wanted to. After we got ot walmart josh bought something for his brother and Mom then we headed to Arby to eat the ride there was Fun me and kristen had the best time on the way there. LOL too bad for me adn her it didn't last very long but its ok there will be more times. So we got in there and started ordering our food. (mine and Joshs) when percilla told josh he had to by her something to eat and made josh buy her fries and Some kind of Cheese sticks shew, when they went and sat down me and josh asked the people that worked there if there was any way we could get a knife off them so we could kill her and they all laughed at me and him and talked to us for a min about the girls we was with and the had a good time talking to me and him we made them laugh alot. Then after that kristens mom came and got her and percilla and then me and josh went home in a VERY BAD MOOD> thanks to percilla. But oh well. Today has been very slow haven't had anything to do. All i have done is talk to kristen on the phone . But this is to kristen i called the shower first dang it, its mine all mine and you can't have it. Maybe after me maybe if your nice. And still there is no way you can prove me wrong your a little pinky thats all A LITTLE PINKY THATS IT> LOL IMY like crazy i will call you later tonight, But guys MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR> IM OUT PEACE
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