(no subject)

Feb 08, 2007 19:31

I just did these today and they're pretty cool.

Take these little tests and read the extended entry to reveal something about yourself. Or not. Up to you. And if you do give this a try, really play along. It is pretty interesting.

Deep in the Mountains

The mountains and the sea-nature has a power that draws us to her. After all we are all nature’s children, born into her world and fed on her bounty. No matter what marvels technology may develop, getting back to nature lets us feel truly alive. Medical science may make advances, but the best medicine will always be nature’s own healing power.

Your next journey will take you back to that green world, and what better setting for you to rediscover your natural self?

1. You have set off to climb a mountain, in search of a fabulously rare stone. What is your impression of the mountain as you stand at its foot?

2. After a hard search, you still haven’t found the stone, and now the sun has fallen. What will you do next?

3. You have finally discovered the stone you were seeking. What kind of stone is it? Describe its size, weight, and value.

4. Now it is time to come down from the mountain and return home. What parting words do you have for the mountain, and what is its reply?

Ready for what your answers reveal about you? Read on...

Key to Deep in the Mountains

The mountain that looms before you represents your father, or a father figure in your life. In psychological terms, it is a manifestation of the archetype of the “wise old man.” The stone you seek symbolizes abilities and strengths you must discover within yourself on your own journey to adult independence.

1. Your impression of the mountain show the image you have of your father. Was it difficult and unforgiving? Gentle and easily conquered? Or did you have an idealized image of a magnificent peak that somehow seemed to welcome you and encourage you in your quest?

2. The stone you are searching for represents your as yet undiscovered talent or strength. Your response to this question shows whether you will ever realize that untapped potential.

People who say they’d keep searching for the stone no matter what tend to show the same persistence and determination in their own lives, never giving up even when efforts seem fruitless.

Those who said they’d call it quits for the day but come back again to continue the search are the type who pace themselves, spreading their efforts over a long period of time. There are probably more than a few late bloomers in this group.

People who gave up looking for the stone altogether are in danger of never fulfilling their true potential.

3. The way you described the stone shows your feeling of self-worth. How big and heavy was it, and what did you think of its value?

“Oh, about twenty dollars or so.” Hmmm, that’s not much of an appraisal, is it?

“It turned out to be a huge diamond worth millions!” Hold on now, let’s not get carried away with ourselves.

4. Your parting words to the mountain reveal what you have always wanted, but never been able, to say to your father. Do you recognize any of these patters?

You: Thanks for everything.
Mountain: You take care of yourself.

Did you have that kind of ideal exchange? Or did it go more like this:

You: Well, it looks like I’m finally through with you.
Mountain: You can say that again!

Maybe it’s time you and your father sat down for a talk.

You are standing in front of a painting at an art museum, hands clasped behind your back as you try to take it in, when a total stranger comes up alongside you and says something to you.

Which of the following does the stranger say?

1. "Isn't that a beautiful picture?"
2. "What do you think of this painting?"
3. "Excuse me, do you have the time?"
4. "You know, I happen to be a painter myself."

Now, don't try to guess what the answer should be. Just go with your first instinct. It may tell you a little bit about yourself.

If you are ready to find out what your answer says about you, click the link below...

Ready for the "key"? Here it is:

When a stranger suddenly speaks to you there's always a momentary mix of apprehension and expectancy. In this imaginary scenario, the words the stranger spoke actually reflect how you might react in chance encounters and when meeting others. Your answer reveals what kind of impression you make when meeting someone for the first time.

1. "Isn't that a beautiful picture?"
Your friendly and positive nature creates a great first impression on almost everyone you meet. Your only concern should be that people may or may not take you seriously at first.

2. "What do you think of this painting?"
You're the type who likes to feel out the other person's temperament before committing to anything. People can sense that hesitancy, and it may color their reactions to you. You won't step on any toes with your cautious approach, but you may end up living on other people's terms.

3. "Excuse me, do you have the time?"
To have the world you seem like an alright sort, but to the other half you look a little strange. You create a first impression of living life at your own pace and maintaining an individuality that some would call eccentric. You don't place much value on what others may be thinking or feeling. For better or worse, therein lies the secret with you.

4. "You know, I happen to be a painter myself.
On first meeting someone you come across as a little bit nervous and overeager. Maybe you're trying too hard to be liked, but the harder you try, the worse impression you make. Don't worry so much about making people think you're great - they'll like you better if you just loosen up and relax.

Did this surprise you? It did me. I answered #1.

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