(no subject)

Jul 07, 2007 01:24

Wow, fairly good internet signal 3 nights in a row. Not bad. W00t!

OK. I think...yea...::sigh::...ok. ::takes deep breath::

I think I've come to the conclusion that Artist's Alley isn't going to happen. For several reasons. Mostly money. Money has been a major cause of stress for me lately, and at this point...I just can't put a whole lot more of it out there. I need it. Because, yes; doing commissions, and selling, and making money, and generally getting my art out there where people can see it, is very important, and I want so much to do it. But...saving up money, and putting in a deposit on an apartment, and getting my foot fixed, are more imortant right now. I hate to say it, but at this point, it's something of a luxury that I can't quite afford. Securing myself a good home, and taking care of my health are worth it to hold off for a little while longer.

Not to mention the fact that I don't have nearly enough art to be able to sell effectively. I scanned like 20 things at Dez's house the other day, but still, that's only 20. Not enough.

So what I'm resolving to do is to keep a folder in my computer where I will put all of the exceptionally good pieces and save them to be sold next year.

So now, in the meantime, I will go and update a few things that I've worked on. Tally ho!
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