(no subject)

Jul 05, 2007 04:13

Wow, huge surprise that I was able to leach a decent signal, ne?

Reporting from home/house. Happy 4th, or 5th rather, at this point.

Things are still a little slow. Visited Dez and Chrissy (mostly Dez cuz Chrissy had to work) and I scanned things. I has things to work on now! Yayz! I got drivers form her too, but they don't seem to be working. It's weird because I've tried twice now and it's still not accepting any of the drivers I attempt. I'll have to have someone look at it later. Maybe make Ryan come over; it's his computer, after all.

By the way, Dez: thank you for inroducing me to my new favorite song! ::dancedance::

I should prolly be in bed. ROFL I'm like not tired at all though. It was SUCH a slow day a work today. It was funny/irritating how many people called and were like "I'm sorry that you have to work today," and it's like, well, if asshats like you didn't call on holidays, I wouldn't HAVE to be working today. Don't even get holiday pay. Entertaining calls though. One guy called and was like "Hey, womankind! Can I call you pussy?!" And the triumphant return of the Midget-Pants guy!

All right. I'm just gonna check my sites and head to bed. G'night all!
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