Feb 03, 2007 14:30
Day 5 was my last official day of my cleanse. I kinda wanted to do it more, but I also wanted to get back to real food. I love food. When I do go back to eating again, i want to take an active choice and eat in the most balanced way I possibly can. I know I like things like stinky cheeze and yummy carbs, mainly yummy fresh breads. I am really going to use this cleanse as a jump start to healthy eating habits.
So...day 5.
Day five started off fairly normal. I did my situps, drank my salt cleanse, and then proceeded to flush everything out. Today the process of flushing continued at work, which was a little scary. I drove to work today because I had planned on going out for the first time since I started this cleanse.
Work was kewl today. I musically orchestrated the day to make sure I was happy as could be. Little as it was it really did help. Stress has been the worse for this cleanse.
At lunch I did more shopping, heh. Beats eating. Around 6pm a couple of my coworkers and I went out to first thursday art. Met my friend Lindsay and her friend Sara at the Newmark Gallery to see Mr Lucky's paintings. His paintings were groups of portraits in each painting. All portraits were just busts and heads of people all collectively telling a different stories. He took us through individual narratives for each one and we had a small critique with him and our small group. Very intimate and inspiring. From there we went over to the Crocker Galleria to the restaurant Medicine where Flora Davis's work was being displayed. Her stuff is not my taste, but interesting still. I got to speak with Lindsay's friend Sara who just finished her 3 week cleanse of just veggies and fruits. She does this once a year usually in January. She had a lot of insight on how to do cleansing properly. She recommended not doing such a harsh cleanse like the one I was on while you have all these outside variables going on, like work and activities. I agree there. Why do you think i became a hermit for a week. This was my first day out and I was still struggling while everyone was sipping on champagne and wine at the openings. Ughh, Lindsay and Sara decided to stay at Medicine for dinner. Normally this restaurant would of been right up my alley. It was mainly vegan and had all these yummy infused teas to drink. Ah well, another time. I left with my coworkers and strolled to a couple more galleries...none to great to mention. Sara, my coworker went home and Lischka and I hit up FNG gallery on Geary. Really great work from Susannah Bettag. Her installation was called Vanitas Baby. It's showing through March 14 and I recommend it to all. Her work is very whimsical and has this air of innocence. Their is a 14' installation comprised of hundreds of sculptures of her "Little Boo" character and flows down from a 14' ceiling into a pile of her characters on the floor.
Check out the gallery website to see samples of her work www.freynorris.com
After we left there we went over to 111 Minna to see Micah LeBrun's opening. Lindsay met Micah in her art framing days and you can tell because his works were beautifully framed. His stuff is pretty kewl and the way the installation was displayed was great. There were little quotes written on the walls around each painting offering insights into his paintings. He kinda had a cubist feel and I was not expecting that from viewing his website earlier. His works I previewed were more animation related. They reminded me of ian flux(?). His paintings at minna still had a little of that look, but were definitely going in a different direction. Another great artist to see.
All right back to the cleanse...It was really hard being there with everyone drinking, especially my friend who was sipping on her dirty kettle one martini. Yum...I was sipping on a sparkling water with lime. I did have a sip of her martini just to cherish the taste in my palette. The best martini in the world and probably not. It was damn good though. We left around 10ish and I went home to prepare for my first day with food. Yippie. Had my tea for the last time that night and went to bed.