May 05, 2008 13:58
So, they've decided not to go mucking about in Dad's head, and instead decided to put him on more medications and see if things will improve, apparently. They've also moved him from the NCCU (Neurological Critical Care Unit) to the Rehabilitation wing, an area in the old part of the hospital that is so far removed from anywhere that Mom literally got lost for an hour trying to find it.
Anyway, the people and equipment there are still top notch, so who cares where it is? Dad's improving quite steadily with exercise and therapy. By Saturday he was looking positively perky, and Sunday he took a walk outdoors. He said he only had problems with his balance a couple times, but that he'll probably need a walker, at least for a while. His appetite has returned, except when they served him enchiladas, to which his reaction was, and I quote, "Bleagh."
He's still on a slow Heparin drip, but I imagine they'll probably transition him to an oral medication soon. Probably the best sign is that he's bored as hell, and if not for the highly illegal downloaded episodes of Avatar: The Last Airbender that I've been burning to DVD for him, I imagine he would have set fire to something or rigged the oxygen system to power an oxyacetylene torch or something just for the excitement.
His hearing is still bad in his left ear, which supports my theory of a mini-stroke in that area. But even that appears to be slowly improving.
He sends his love to everyone he knows out there who are reading this. For those of you he doesn't know and are reading this, no love, but thanks. For those of you who he knows and aren't reading this, you have no idea what you're missing. And lastly, for those of you who he doesn't know and aren't reading this, well, we have nothing clever to say. Too bad for you.