Jun 01, 2007 16:12
We wish to suggest a plausible design for the prion which causes Emoism. Emoism is a mental and physical disorder in which unsuspecting teenagers are infected with the prion emotiace which will breakdown any anti-emo hormones normally released from the body. Infection occurs as soon as certain albums by artists such as My Chemical Romance or The Used are played in any device with the ability to project sound. The sound waves cause the prion emotiace to be formed from healthy anti-emo proteins. The function of the anti-emo proteins is normally to force the cell into apoptosis if they are attacked by emo sound waves. However, much like cancer, when they are adversely affected they evolve and start to spread emotiace throughout the body. Over time emotiace will attach its self to healthy hair follicles, an attack on the hair yields three major symptoms. The first symptom is a blackening of the hair pigmentation caused by a change in the hair protein. Second the prion will break any disulfide bond which may exist, making the hair strait. With long enough exposure hair begins to exhibit a positive oculartropism, meaning they will grow towards the eyes of our victim. By this time the body is actively releasing another protein which attacks clothing. This protein is able to shorten the fibers which make up the victims clothes, making them tighter and tighter. In some cases, mainly in males, the jeans switch gender to female jeans. Some extreme cases force the body to release a neurotoxin which switches the pain and pleasure receptors in the victim's brain. This causes some of them to exhibit a behavior called cutting, were they cut themselves for pleasure. If someone has actually reached this stage it is advised that they seek immediate medical help. However, be careful, some less developed emos will simply claim to cut themselves as a way of getting attention. Be wary of these types of emos.