Consider this a lesson in life. There is good and there is evil. Loved ones will always be a target. Bane's words echo in her mind as she finishes packing her suitcase. After a night of trying to explain just how extensive her powers are to her concerned parents, she leaves them a note and slides out the back door.
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You're never going to let me live the crush thing down, are you? Tall dark and handsome bad boy with the secret golden heart - how could I not? Everybody loves a rebel Logan. ::sighs:: You didn't fail me. You're not my private knight in shining armor to shield me from harm. But just having you here - I hope you know it makes a world of difference to me. ::she lets out a groan: God, this is verging on sickeningly sappy, even for me. ::she wipes her puffy eyes and tear streaked cheeks, trying to recover:: How are you handling this?
::grows deadly serious:: I don't know where Marie is. I've been trying to contact her. Was going to try to find her before I left. The monster tried to convince me she was dead but it's not ::shakes her head and closes her eyes attempting to force out the thought:: I know it's not true. I thought she'd just been at Johnny's but... Oh god. She could be anyone Logan! A shapeshifter!
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