I used to be such a night person

Jul 31, 2008 19:49

Now... evening approaches....and I want to crash with the sun. I want to sleep comfy cozy under my big comforter with Jackson on the bed listening to little man sleeping on the monitor and letting my mind drift of to....elsewhere.

Instead....Liam and I are about to take off for what seems as though is becoming our nightly constitutional.

And then it will be time to wind down for bed....

and then I will work on a paper that I feel no need what so ever to complete because I realized I did the research whole-ly for myself and not for any academic gain.

and to give myself more pressure I sent my professor an email this morning saying I'd send her a draft by tonight. ...because I knew come evening time I'd be all done with it. =P

K...now the walk is done.....and I have a sweaty boy in my lap wanting a dose of Caillou before bed.


This alphabet was brought to you by Liam who typed it all by himself. :)

liam, ptsd, school

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