Jul 12, 2008 10:31

Just got back from going to a meeting with
evilbunny. New location, new leader. I like both the location and the leader better. It's further away than the meeting that I've been going to but feels more "professional" somehow.  This leader has two kids and I feel like I can relate to her better than my other leader.  It was a perfect meeting for me to get back to - we talked about motivation and what is going on when we hit a slump. Liam was a CHAMP. We had a chat right before we went in and I told him I needed him to be quiet and to stay with me the whole time. This is the 3rd time I've brought him to a meeting and the last two times we left because sitting still didn't seem to be an option. He made himself so tiny on my lap and sat quietly for nearly 45 minutes just playing with his trains. Champ.

I've been fluctuating the same .3 pounds for 3 weeks now. I've hit a weight that I was pre-pregnancy and I think I've lost sight of my goal. It feels good just to be on the other side of my pregnancy weight. Now I still have goals ... keeping diabetes at bay, modeling good eating habits for Liam, loosing another 10-15 pounds.   I have a hard time visualizing myself another 15 pounds lighter. I can picture myself in college, wearing things that I don't wear now.  It was both encouraging and frustrating going shopping before and after the NYC trip... I'm SO close to fitting into a Large or 12 that that is probably the easiest motivator...though it feels like I'm getting hung up on numbers then when the over all goal is health. Though I suppose using numbers to motivate in the mean time still gets me to the goal of being healthier... so it's a tool like anything else.

I've tracked my points so far today - that's my goal today, to track everything I eat again. I had totally fallen off that bandwagon and when I was loosing more weight I was:

Drinking more water
Tracking my  points
Going for almost daily walks by myself
attending meetings

The meeting leader asked us for another 1% this week... that I can do.

health, ww

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