
Jul 11, 2008 11:30

I'm Tired. I'd like to sing a little song about it...that would be more fun.

Couldn't sleep last night. Future was eating me. Then while I was bolt awake anyway, I got up to help the husband get the top on the Jeep since it was going to rain. This turned into a challenge, ordeal, giant pain in the ass. But we prevailed. I would have been annoyed if I wasn't awake anyway but it seemed a more productive way to pass the time than to just be laying in bed wishing I was asleep.

closer_to_fine's Mom is totally saving the day today. My fabu dress arrived for the Fringe show...except the zipper was broken. She is replacing it today which means I'll have it for dress rehearsal on Sunday. There are many other things that I won't have...but I will have the dress. ;)

I'm at the library at school now and need to shift my focus to PTSD stuff....sleeping, eating...rehearsing...are all higher on my priority list right now....not to mention a host of other things that need being done around the house.

Good news for the day.... I can use my current daycare for the fall semester. Woot!  (since I won't be enrolled in any classes...just finishing up a voluntary incomplete I was concerned.) So I can put off finding other day care till January or so.

Goodish news, Bethany is coming to KC to drive with R to Va Beach. She'd made noise two weeks ago that that was her intention and I was really hoping she didn't flake out. I'm really glad for both of them that they are going to finally get some time together. I do wish a bit that circumstances were a little different and that I could be driving with him. But if not me, I'm glad it 's her. :)  The "ish" part of this is that she arrives on Tuesday which seriously cuts into hubby/wife pre mobilization bonding time. So I'm a bit cranky about that right now...but know we'll sort it out.

K, enough procrastination.

saffronhare... I must tell you about Miss Astrid.  If you had a Burlesque Emcee alter ego... she would be it.

husband, sleep, school

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