Feb 25, 2009 10:35
In the next few hours, the wiki is going to disappear. Poof! Don't worry--it doesn't mean we're going to disappear!
There is already a new one, but we don't want to link you to it yet because we're cleaning it up (when you import things from one site to another, there are always a few problems with coding). So don't worry. However, we have to kill the old one today or tomorrow because the billing cycle for PBWiki is coming up and I don't want to pay for another month.
PBWiki is enforcing a site "upgrade" which means we will no longer be able to edit the wiki as a wiki but will have to use their Rich Text Editor as of 9th March. Everybody knows how Lightning War as a group feels about Rich Text Editors, right?
Tits against the RTE!!!
Also, the new wiki doesn't cost us anything that we're not already paying, and the old one cost me ten dollars a month.
I know there have been very few posts and we haven't recapped in a while (tonight, probably). But we have been doing other things. Some of us have been writing masters' theses and doing PhD research (not me) and some of us have been doing retcons and backstory work (that would be me) and some of us have been moving the wiki. Things will pick up soon, transitions are always slow times.
we aten't dead