We found like 104 of these things, all set in the 1940s, all in the same RP style that our troll used when she RP'd on GJ, and all of them copying us...
Sure looks like it. Particularly love the Melusine thing, that was 1.0 canon.
Isn't that special? Because making up your own RPG set in the 1940s is such a great way of saying you hate us. No, really, Pete Wentz would be proud of you. And he totally hates that girl he wrote a million songs about. SUPER creative NPC journal name there. And another one. This is the Fall Out Boy song of RPG-dom. Love the names and interests lol. Precious... OK, so this one likes her brother. LOL. Genderswitched 2.0 Albrecht and Petya! I wonder if anyone has told Ellen. After all, the fact that you used the name 'Olivia' means you're stealing from her and should soon expect to hear from her orishas and her internet lawyers. Simply LOLarious. Well, and they're not spelling it the way they told us to either... Familiar much? I'm surprised someone hasn't proposed to one of us yet. Vindemiatrix Black? That's a total coincidence right! Go surfing yourselves. Be amused. Also, names not from Harry Potter that they are using: Delgardie, Haskell, Aelfweald, Dylan, Vindemiatrix, Charis...
It's really a shame these people are so mean and nasty. (Because the stuff they were doing before was really nasty, what with defacing pictures and calling us names and crap. But this is almost kind of cool. It looks like it would be interesting, even if it is HP-compliant and probably liberally flavoured with total fucking insanity.) They seem like they're smart--they get all our most esoteric in-jokes--and occasionally maybe even creative (it's not like we're going to say we don't copy the stuff that we like or once liked before it jumped shark). But...hopelessly obsessed with their big ol' lesbian crush on us.
People we would have liked. If they weren't so MEAN.
There are published authors out here who don't get parodied this elaborately. If she meant to make us feel rotten she's failed. I think WE WIN FOREVER.