Foto!blog Funtime! (oh, you see what I did right thar? :P)
Last Saturday was full of LJ-Awesomeness. Most of you know this. Most of you WERE THERE.
However, I suck at taking lots and lots of pictures of various people at the Noc Noc, so I'm just going to post a few that I took (somehow, Mardi whored herself into nearly all of them).
But first - Squak Mountain!
entropic_system picked up me with his kids, Maesi & Otis. Thanks for driving, Mike!!!
Otis' face just CRACKS ME UP.
A little over two miles, up a 900-foot elevation, to the Bullitt Fireplace. Supposedly a level 2 (out of 10). I don't even want to SEE a level 3!!! I wasn't done walking funny for 2 days!
Mossy trees, yo.
Possibly my favorite picture of the day! I love the fog in the corner, which you couldn't see if you were standing there, but which totally showed up in the picture.
There was this old crashed car, randomly - you can see the front grill here.
Fireplace Acheived! The last mile or more I had to stop every 100 feet to BREATHE.
nicolemarieh doing her Gollum impression. Actually, she was so cold and wet, poor dear, that she crouched in the fireplace to eat her granola out of the rain!
Poor Tanner was ALSO a bit cold and wet!
Otis didn't mind the rain in the slightest!
Maesi enjoyed it so much...
...that she decided to roll around in it! Fun times for Mike with doggy baths later!
Pictures are proof that it did happen :)
And then after going home and showering and finishing a scarf (more on that later!), it was time to knock up the Noc Noc.
misterkickass and
frogger414, now with bonus future lj user=kickassfrogger!
Oh Nicole! You sexy thang!
New Seattlite and New Friend of Awesome,
vurumai. Tobie, you are supposed to grind up on Mardi while FACING her! EDIT: ACK, I almost forgot (well, DID forget!) the sneaky
jodfoster there on the left. MY BAD!
scearley and
electriclime. That's hot stuff right there!
Mardi and
notlostonme are bringin' in the tongues!
Sean and
darkkatpouncing. That girl can DANCE THE REST OF US under the table!
Mardi and Christina are two of the best people to ever hang out with!
No self-pictures of me this go-around! Sadpandaface! :(
And now, just a few random wintery scenes. Enjoy!
(yes, it's a sunset. Be grateful there aren't more!)
For our 2-year anniversary, I promised Shawn a mixed CD (or two, as it ended up!) of car-themed songs. A couple of months and a whole of CD's on reserve through the library, et voila! Presenting, "Enough Torque to Stop the Rotation of the Earth!"
The outside covers - the orange one with the rockabilly chick I got off of the intarwebs, and the blue one is a picture of Shawn's actual racecar. He was SO delighted!
And the inside, with the track listing (and super-secret bonus tracks that are not car-related, but that have special meaning for us - The Bee-Gee's "Stayin' Alive" and "It Takes Two" by DJ Jazzy Jeff, lololol).
Gretchen at my Birthday Party, wearing her holiday gift - a Bedazzled shirt that I had designed for her, featuring our inside joke that she is, in fact, my gut instinct (I trust her judgement more than my own, most of the time!). And I LOVE this color on her!
New Year's Eve - Shawn and I attended the swanky party at the EMP/Sci-Fi Museum. Bewbs and Bajingo were ALL OVER THE PLACE. Apparently 2010 fashion is gynecological. Sadly, no pictures!
OMG Blurry Guitars!
Ready to ring in the New Year!
My Handsome Date, in a brand-spankin' new suit!
Awwww! (also: I need bangs or something - UGH!).
And finally, Christmas! Here's my holiday decor from this year!
Candles should have been lit for maximum prettiness effect, but oh well. Next time, Gadget!