Work is driving me crazy (to the phones: PIPE DOWN, will ya?). Thankfully, nobody is crabby.
LA LA LA, I can’t HEAR YOU!!!
I want out of customer service like WHOA.
I’m glad I’ve talked to the boss about this, we’ll see how long it takes (it’s been known to around 2 years for interdepartmental transfer here at McK).
So, I asks you all, my loves, to provide me with non-work entertainment.
There are a few options. Do some, one, or neither, as the fancy strikes you.
I know, I’m so demanding.
Icon War!
Inspired by
lightningsparkOur icons will do battle. See examples
hereI’ll start with my default. GO!
Ridde me this, Riddle me that
Ask me something. Anything.
I will probably answer, because I have no shame.
If I don’t know the answer, I will make something up.
Anything - a restaurant, your favorite (preferably Seattle-area) radio station, a book, a store, a religion, whatever.
I eagerly await your comments. :D