Onto more of the weekend pic-o-rama!
First off, from Friday...
We celebrate our Independence Day!
Yes, there is a miniature Statue of Liberty down at Alki. Hail Lady Liberty!
I like wearing hats.
Gretchen, Eric, Shawn and I took off for Alki, which is where the Denny Party that founded Seattle landed back in 18-*mumble mumble*.
Gretchen was flying high!
And so was this paraglider (hang-glider? what is the specific action being done here?).
Eric pretending he is a barnacle on the side of Gretchen's face. I proceeded to ask him if
his penis was abnormally large in proportion to his body. Oh yeah, I went there.
We watched a group of utterly incompetant idiots take over 45 minutes to pitch this tent.
I brought along games, so we played Sorry and Frisbee! Or at least, Gretchen and Eric played Frisbee.
And my (one) shot of the fireworks was really bad, so instead I reward you with a sunset picture from the beach. Mmmmmm, pretty.
At night, we compared feet - mine and Eric's.
Then I trooped back down to Alki on Saturday for the
official start of Seafair!
Yarr, me mateys! Hide the Rum!
Ships Ahoy!
Gretchen's favorite ship.
Jenni's favorite ship.
My favorite ship.
Remember, guys - first pillage, THEN burn!
Just a pirate, chasin' booty!
Jenni and I waded out to the sandbar, because the tide was SO low! At first, Jenni was all squeamish about the sand and muck, but when I suggested that she imagine herself in a spa, with seaweed wraps and mud masks, and then it was ALL GOOD for her!
I got crabs.
See? REALLY low tide!
Jenni is so freakin' cute, I can barely stand it! So I take pictures.
Shiver Gretchen's timbers!
Now all we need is some Johnny and Orlando to make this picture pefect!
Somehow, I don't think Gretchen minds too much...
Ahahahahaha, pirate puppies!
And with Seattle's own version of a pretty little Anne Bonney.
The only bad part of the day was that Seafair made the unfortunate choice of hiring the
World's Worst Cover Band. EVER. Oh wow, they were awful, it sounded like really bad karaoke, the kind that wouldn't even sound good if you were six sheets to the wind. Boo hiss.
And that wraps up the weekend edition of Ashley's Life. Catch you next time!