(no subject)

Nov 14, 2005 00:24

Zechs had forgotten that, though the fabric itself was comfortable, his Preventers uniform chafed at him in ways that his OZ one never had. Certainly there had been problems toward the end, but in OZ his position had always been one of authority, even though he'd answered to Treize. He was pretty sure that in the Preventers that would not be the case, and that he'd be Une's lapdog more than anything else, with a tight collar and a short lead.

Having been graciously given the day to pack, Zechs had in short order filled a pair of suitcases with the essentials, including the disassembled and washed flight cage. Andromeda and Josephine had been coaxed into a smaller cage more suitable for travel. He could call in a favour to his sister later and have some of his personal furniture and books delivered to his new quarters.

Zechs wore a pair of dark glasses and a long coat when he left his apartment the next morning, barriers against the elements as much as the eyes of the public. Seeing the prince of Sanq in a Preventers' uniform was not something that struck Zechs as a good idea; in any case he imagined that Une was keen on a specific amount of discreteness as to the identities of the members of her organisation.

The air base he had selected for departure seemed out of the way, but it had the advantage in that Zechs' identity was not questioned. A small shuttle procured, Zechs boarded and stowed his baggage, securing the bird cage in a seat before settling into the copilot's position. He simply assumed that Maxwell had followed.

'Controls are yours,' he said, putting a headset on and adjusting it. That might at least put the teenager at ease.

fluff, duo

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