(no subject)

Nov 22, 2005 20:52

There is something to be said for the Preventers, Zechs thinks to himself as he picks up a new pen, and that is that whatever else may change, the paperwork always stays constant. Zechs likes continuity in his life, but this is not, he admits to himself, the constant that he would have preferred.

'Physical results... Damned right they'd better be impressive,' he mutters as he sorts through a pile of paper in an effort to find a page of notes. 'Requisition, requisition, memo...' He absently impales each piece of paper on an impressively spined cactus as he puts it aside, though it's unclear whether he's simply unaware or feeling particularly vindictive.

One thing is certain, though. He's not even aware that it's lunchtime.

hq, silliness, duo

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