College is becoming a pattern for me - probably not a very good pattern, generally speaking, but I like it, and I suppose that's the important part, as far as I'm concerned. Essentially, I sleep, I get up, I eat and read and write and draw and think and listen to music, I go to class or my internship, depending, and then I go back to my room and eat and read and write and draw and think and listen to music.
Pandora rocks my socks clean off.
So that's it, pretty much. There is a girl in my Calculus class to whom I speak on a fairly regular basis, and a boy in my French class who lives across the street in Millis and translates things for fun. And I smile at people I pass. But the vast, vast majority of my interactions are - big surprise - computer-based. And so far it's lovely.
I freely assume that college will be hard soon, but for the moment, I have more free time than I can actually use. And NaNo isn't until November. **taps fingers** Maybe I'll have a special October MyNoWriMo. Anyway, I spent today poking through the NaNo web forums, and allowing Pandora to, as I mentioned, rock my socks clean off. There was a little homework-doing in there somewhere, but not enough to leave an impression, obviously. Now I think I'll edit my French - we have to write a portrait of somebody, and I'm doing Julie (not because I like her more than you guys, but rather because she is the only one of whom there are pictures on this computer, since I moved Meredith's to the other one, and I only thought of MySpace/Facebook after I wrote the thing).
Good morning, son.
I am a bird,
Wearing a brown polyester shirt.
You want a coke?
Maybe some fries?
The roast beef combo's only $9.95.
It's okay, you don't have to pay -
I've got all the change.
Everybody knows
It hurts to grow up;
And everybody does.
It's so weird to be back here.
Let me tell you what:
The years go on, and
We're still fighting it, we're still fighting it,
And you're so much like me -
I'm sorry -
Good morning, son.
In twenty years from now,
Maybe we'll both sit down and have a few beers,
And I can tell you 'bout today,
And how I picked you up and everything changed.
It was pain -
Sunny days and rain -
I knew you'd feel the same things.
Everybody knows
It sucks to grow up;
And everybody does.
It's so weird to be back here.
Let me tell you what:
The years go on, and
We're still fighting it, we're still fighting it -
You'll try and try and one day you'll fly
Away from me -
Good morning, son;
I am a bird.
It was pain -
Sunny days and rain -
I knew you'd feel the same things -
Everybody knows
Tt hurts to grow up;
And everybody does.
It's so weird to be back here.
Let me tell you what:
The years go on, and
We're still fighting it, we're still fighting it -
Oh, we're still fighting it, we're still fighting it,
And you're so much like me -
I'm sorry.