Title: Five times Otoya saved Fujimaru’s life (And Fujimaru had no idea)
Author: Selena
Pairings/Characters: Otoya/Fujimaru, implied, friendship
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 717
Spoilers: None
1) This is not the stop sign you are looking for
Sometimes (like right now) Otoya swears that it’s a bad idea to let Fujimaru out of the house unsupervised. For a genius he lacks a great deal of common sense. And it wasn’t like he was even doing anything. He wasn’t looking at his laptop while he walks along - he’s done that before. His mind wasn’t locked on to some strange and difficult problem. Fujimaru is smiling like he doesn’t have a care in the world.
It’s been a long time since Otoya has seen that smile.
Fujimaru was just smiling, he wasn’t doing anything else. And when he stepped out into the street…he wasn’t paying attention.
Otoya threw an arm around Fujimaru and pulled him back. Fujimaru laughs and falls into Otoya’s embrace - thinking it just a game. And to Otoya maybe it is a game. A game - a gamble. Can you keep your most important person alive?
Fujimaru smiles at him. Smiles that heart stopping smile.
He never even noticed the Celica that had careened passed them.
2) The not so convenient convenience store.
Fujimaru likes to read a four panel manga that’s serialized in the back of an obscure magazine. It’s drawn in an old school style of art that Otoya thinks is cool and all but he never gets any of the jokes.
Fujimaru, however, thinks that they are the best thing since ever and Otoya will go with him to the store to read the strip. Fujimaru never actually buys the magazine; the only thing he likes about it is the manga. Otoya will go with him to the store because it’s just one more excuse to see Fujimaru smile.
The store will be all but deserted at this hour. It’s either late at night or early in the morning depending on how you look at your day. This is the time they usually visit the store. Otoya isn’t sure why, it just happens that way.
They’re almost there when Otoya’s steps falter and stop. It takes Fujimaru a few seconds to realize that Otoya is no longer walking with him.
The robber’s mistake was stopping to put on his mask outside of the store. Sure there aren’t many people around now, but there are some. Someone would see him. Otoya sees him. Fujimaru, of course, doesn’t see him.
“Hey, wait!” Otoya calls out to Fujimaru who is still a few steps in front of him. “I forgot my wallet.”
“We’re not actually buying anything.”
“I want to buy some…thing. Something, I’m hungry. Come on let’s go back, it will only take a minute.”
Fujimaru shrugs and smiles that heart stopping smile again. Then he turns on his heel and marches forward, hooking his arm through Otoya’s and pulling him along. When Fujimaru lets go of him, Otoya pulls out his phone and calls the police.
3) Another not so convenient convenience store.
A broken shelving unit. A sharp edge. Falling. Otoya pulls Fujimaru out of the way and the sharp edge falls where Fujimaru’s head almost was.
Fujimaru just stares at the now ruined shelf.
“Whaa,” He says. “Did you see that? It almost got me.”
Otoya just shakes his head.
“Sometimes, Fujimaru.” Otoya says. “Being around you is hard work.”
4) The sky, the sky is falling.
Fujimaru is fiddling with the buttons on his phone. Otoya doesn’t even think that he is doing anything constructive; he’s just pressing the buttons to see what they do.
Fujimaru is so engrossed, head bent low as he walks along, that he fails to notice the scaffolding as it falls. Otoya barrels into him, pushing Fujimaru out of the way. They both fall to the ground.
“Oh,” Fujimaru says. “Are you ok? Did you trip? You should be more careful.”
5) The Grandfather.
“Otoya-kun, I would like you to..”
“Just hear me out.”
“If you talked about it with him he would want to help.”
“Yes, I know. That is why I am not going to tell him, and I won’t let you talk with him either.”
“No, Grandfather. No.”
“You have a duty to you country.”
“I have a duty to my friend. Goodbye Grandfather.”