Jul 16, 2005 23:32
After some very zany days at work (power going out, generators kicking on, monsooning outside, crazy people, etc) I am here.
Roomie and I went out after I got done with counselor stuff and she was done with work. It is like whoa nice to have human contact other than siblings. :)
Pissed off at my brother. He had the nerve to go on a kick about how pathetic it was that Emily has had 2 boyfriends and I haven't had any. GRRRRRRRR. I was very, very upset. Why did God make little brothers again?
Beth leaves in a couple of days. I officially will not see her from now until whenever she comes down with my parents to visit.
I am such a complete homebody. I haven't left the house all week except to work, shop with Mom, and go to craft stores with Em. Forget about GC people I guess...
Though, I'm hoping for a Fri off so Cari and Sarah and I can go to Stoneybrook or something.
And, tomorrow my campers move in. I have 10 girls, the most of the other 3 counselors on the floor. 15-16... At least it's the age my siblings are at. I'm excited, I've never been the counselor, the one in charge before. Amy and I did a lot of running around Butler today for Dr. M. Have I mentioned I'm excited?
The counselor recital is Monday night. I have one day, one practice time, to pull together the first movement of my Bach sonata with piano. Ha. We'll see. That's tomorrow, 10 am.
So... I'm off for the night. Sorry for the completely random update. Hope veryone has a great week, and if you feel like calling the cell after 9 or 10 to keep me company this coming week, I'd love you forever ( not that I wouldn't anyways, but... ).
Night all! Much love.