Mod Challenge 02: Stay Safe!

Mar 14, 2020 20:36

Description: Prepare for safety! Comment here with something you have done (not something you will do) to keep you and/or your family safe through these ugh times. You may comment each item individually, or several at a time.

Examples- fill (soda or other) bottles with water and store them ( Read more... )

mc 02, user: blue_sunflowers, cycle 03, challenge, mod challenge, resources

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mark_pierre March 21 2020, 08:09:30 UTC
What I did:
1. Stocked up frozen vegeatables and meat.
2. Portioned 3 kilos of chicken fillet and froze it - my dinner/lunch is pre-prepared!
3. Stocked up toilet paper, handkerchiefs, soap and stuff for women hygiene.
4. Stocked up flour, tomato paste, yeast and mozzarella - to make my own pizza, if I run out of bread.
5. Made my own hand sanitizer - it's easy!
6. Stocked up spirit and vodka - yes, I need them.
7. Bought paracetamol - to bring down fever, if I get it.
8. Bought calcium and sal ems pills - for safety drink every day.
9. Stocked up cola - for my kidneys to function.
10. Refilled my asthma medications supplies.
11. Bought large box of washing powder.
12. Stocked up canned food - pâté, tuna fish, sweet corn, picked cucumber, tomatoes and other stuff.
13. Bought hand creams.
14. Called my doctor to get painkillers - my first e-prescription ever!
15. Topped up the phone.
16. Stocked up pasta, rice and groats.
17. Bought a few t-shirts and underwear - hey, you never know!
18. Bought a new backpack - to carry home all those supplies. And sports shoes - for all the walking.
19. Called family and friends to make sure my phone book and e-mails are up to date.
20. Wrote down symptoms of coronavirus on paper, so I don't miss them.

Probably did other stuff I forgot, but I think I'm ready for the siege!
Only if I didn't have to go to work every day...


chamilet March 21 2020, 17:54:39 UTC
You're lucky you could fine canned tuna and meat! I'm going to buy some wine yeast since the only yeast I have has passed its expiration date. I'll see if it's still alive, but just in case.

I'm hoping at some point people will stop hoarding and I can restock my tuna supply. Luckily I already had some frozen meat in the chest freezer!

(Don't forget to put your point count beside the link for your entry)


mark_pierre March 21 2020, 19:44:01 UTC
Well, big supermakets are almost deserted now, so I had no problems with supplies... except for latex gloves that used to be available at Lidl.
*swears at people*

*adds points*


chamilet March 21 2020, 22:27:52 UTC
Latex gloves, alcohol wipes and clorox/lysol wipes are still impossible to find. Luckily, one store was rationing and although they are a more pricey store, we picked up two tubs of disinfectant wipes anyway.


seraphina_snape March 21 2020, 18:27:59 UTC
How do you make your own hand sanitizer? I'd be curious to try it because it's been a real struggle to find any in the shops right now.


mark_pierre March 21 2020, 19:34:53 UTC
How to make your own hand sanitizer

Things you need:
1. Rectified spirit - 95% (yes, pure alcohol must be over 60% to work, and it's gonna be dilluted, so 95% it is)
2. Aloe gel - 250 ml (I bought mine at Superpharm)
3. 2 small bottles (60-100) from a Travel Pack. Available at Douglas or Hebe. I bought mine at Douglas and it contained 2 bottles (60 ml), 1 spray bottle (60 ml) and 2 jars (10 ml).
4. 1 shot glass (100 ml).
5. A bowl.

1. Mix 3 shots of aloe gel and 4 and 1/2 shots of rectified spirit in a bowl. Fill 2 bottles.
2. Fill the spray bottle with pure rectified spirit - to use on things: your work desk, keyboard, clothes, et cetera.

You can add 5 drops of tea oil, if you like, but it is not needed.

Keep the rectified spirit where the sun doesn't bother it.

And... that's it.

Another great use for rectified spirit
If you ever pour hot liquid (water, tea, whatever) on your body, don't use ice or cold water.
Just pour rectified spirit on your burnt skin, and wait 20-30 minutes to see a miracle happen. No burns, no scars, no nothing. You're healed!


seraphina_snape March 21 2020, 22:49:01 UTC
Thank you!

I'm gonna have to figure out where to buy these. The local pharmacy will have the spirit, but the aloe gel sounds like a job for the internet. *g*


lab_brat March 31 2020, 12:43:49 UTC
You're lucky with the chicken! I haven't really been able to buy meat in over a month now. It's just always sold out everywhere local to me. I'm glad I had been starting to cut out meat more often and had been switching to more vegetarian/plant-based meals. It meant I had an idea of what to cook instead, like lots of beans/chickpeas/lentils etc.

What are groats? I will have to google that.


mark_pierre April 1 2020, 00:30:53 UTC
I pass Lidl on my way to bus/tram station, and they have a lot of meat promotion. The capacity of my freezer is acutally a bigger problem. ;)

I don't know an exact translation, but I meant this:


blue_sunflowers April 1 2020, 05:27:56 UTC
My friend's mom works for a liquor store and they have been slammed. I read an article as to why they are considered essential: if the alcoholics don't have access, they will go thru withdrawal and will take up the beds we need for the virus. Hence, safer right now to just keep them drunk. They've even changed rules so that restaurants can send alcohol in to-go orders.


mark_pierre April 1 2020, 20:45:10 UTC
Well, that's an angle I haven't heard of...
We drink high percentage alcohol to keep ourselves safe.


blue_sunflowers April 1 2020, 06:07:22 UTC
I second the soda addiction!


mark_pierre April 1 2020, 20:31:39 UTC
I wish I didn't need it, lol! :D


blue_sunflowers April 1 2020, 06:53:16 UTC
Did you get that the newest symptoms are sudden losses of taste and smell?


mark_pierre April 1 2020, 20:33:44 UTC
Yes, that was mentioned last week, I think.
I feel kind of defeatist right now - either I die or I don't - at least my family will have an apartment to sell. ;)


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